Anyone have the new Led Zeppelin DVD Celebration Day yet?


Henri Serton
Staff member
Aug 31, 2001
Eindhoven; Rockcity!
I think it's awesome. I really like it. Jimmy Page is still cool as fuck!

For me it all started with Led Zeppelin. I heard 'Whole Lotta Love' somewhere in '71/'72 and was lost forever to the dark side.

What do you think about the new DVD/live album?
I saw it on the cinema and it's a very well done movie/live presentation.
Gotta check it !! Did find a cool record of Zep yesterday; Zeppelin III in turning wheel cover, almost mint AND first pressing. Swapped it for a Stones record I got for free :-p
Have you guys seen what Zeppy scored btw?? An original line-up signed Led Zeppelin album !!
If I win a lottery I'll make him an offer he can't resist !!!

Cool Henry, have you checked the correct versions you have? Early printings are worth quit a bit !

Check at !!