anyone heard of a local band bloodsoaked?


Blood Tears
Oct 19, 2002
their pretty fuckin awesome, i heard them not too long ago. They are supposed to be opening for cannibal corpse tomorrow. My singer for my band knows the bassist and i think singer because his friend went to school with all of them before they dropped out.
Yeah, they aren't doing anything with Cannibal Corpse... I am the guitarist's cousin. Their next show that they have the exact date of is December 28th at the Club Evolution. When Heaven Bleeds and Kilk are going to be playing there, but I don't know who else yet. It is a battle of the bands thing. Bloodsoaked is also supposed to do a finals for a battle of the bands against one other band (who sucks) some time in December, but they don't know the date yet. If they ever find out, I'll post the date for you.