Anyone heard the new 36 Crazy Fist?

The thing is, is Thomas uses small Orange county shells and never has a fat sounding snare, so when you hear a fat snare on a recording of ours it just doesn't sound like us. Therefore we try and get a more natural snappy wooden tone. Andy again did an amazing job on our record, he IS the man! Also, I love when dudes listen to one song streaming on myspace and make a decision on how 'good'/'bad' a record is, WTFO? For the record 36 Crazyfists is a retarded name, whats a guy to do...
Sorry X, I've gotta give a +1 to Josh, cuz I just watched "The One" with Jet Li, and being that it's a brain-dead fighting-centric action movie from 2001, the soundtrack is like ALL nu-metal (including that stupid fucking Drowning Pool song, "Let the bodies hit the flo"). It's quite a jump from wanting one genre to be exterminated to wanting everything else to be exactly the same, hmm?
how is 36CF even remotely similar to drowning pool?

I can find things I like about a lot of genres, these subsets of subsets of subsets are confusing. I either like a band or I don't.

I was flaming Josh because I think it's fucking lame that a member of the band shows up on the forum and is immediately told that he is lame and his genre needs to die.
That's kind of like someone inviting you to dinner and you punch their brother at the table.

I assume that these guys are not only clients of Andy's but probably friends too. So maybe Josh should shut the fuck up
I love when dudes listen to one song streaming on myspace and make a decision on how 'good'/'bad' a record is,

I actually like what i heard and it has influenced me to buy the album. Shit i would probably buy anything you put out anyway. Specially if Andy has touched it.

I must ask why just stream one song on your myspace and then post this comment though?

Oh and welcome to the board. :headbang:
Well as the song writer/engineer/producer of my band I have never considered us even remotely in the nu-meral genre. Our debut came out at a time when that shit was popular thus we've sadly sort of been tied into it, not so much anymore. I dont listen to anything even close to that, im a crowbar/kyuss/only living witness kinda guy. If one can get passed our "retarded" name and listen to our records, they are very much just ROCK records. To toot my own horn a little, listen to our entire new record (its all over the Internet already) and seriously try and compare us to anything out, its pretty original stuff. Alright guys thanks for the welcoming...
Well as the song writer/engineer/producer of my band I have never considered us even remotely in the nu-meral genre. Our debut came out at a time when that shit was popular thus we've sadly sort of been tied into it, not so much anymore. I dont listen to anything even close to that, im a crowbar/kyuss/only living witness kinda guy. If one can get passed our "retarded" name and listen to our records, they are very much just ROCK records. To toot my own horn a little, listen to our entire new record (its all over the Internet already) and seriously try and compare us to anything out, its pretty original stuff. Alright guys thanks for the welcoming...

Well, track 4 DOES sound like Twelve Tribes. Ha! Good job on the new record though. You got my money again this time around.