Anyone heard the new Bon Jovi ?


Mr. Sleepy
Apr 14, 2002
Sweet home Alabama
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Heard "Have a Nice Day" on the radio and I like it. Not too much on the glam scene (though Bon Jovi really shouldn't be lumped there, though they are by many) but I always respected BJ for writing cool stuff and sticking to their guns. That song rips !! Anyone have the album it's from ? Pleases review it for me.

No good after the first couple of listenings. Sorry. I love the Bon Jovi Stuff up to Crush (one of the best !), but this new album is again a disappointment. For a proper review I would need to play it again, but hey, I will do it. Give me a day ot two.
I heard it through Pabla, though I do not own it. But we will see them in March. Scored 10th row :hotjump: tix in Fresno for $130 each. Tix in nosebleed were $110 so that auction paid off. In L.A. we are not so lucky to get decent seats so we've opted to see just the show in Fresno.

I enjoyed the album, great stuff, meaningful and full of uplifting words of strength, love and courage. I don't own any BJ, but always enjoyed their first few releases.
Bryant said:
Heard "Have a Nice Day" on the radio and I like it. That song rips !! Anyone have the album it's from ? Pleases review it for me. Bryant

Sounds like a job for Pabla......calling Pabla, your services are need in the OS room!! :tickled:
As a major Bon Jovi fangirl (just ask to see my tattoo ;) ) I recomend this album 100%... it is their best since "Keep the Faith" and it keeps the momentum throughout the whole disc "Have a nice day" is the album's name and you can find it very well priced at any store ( I bought mine for 11.99).

I'll give you a full review when I am not at work sweetie :)
Pabla said:
As a major Bon Jovi fangirl (just ask to see my tattoo ;) )
What about the music ? :tickled:

Ok, I would call myself a minor Bon Jovi fanguy. I´ve seen them 4 times live, got all the albums. My wife by the way would also call herself a major Bon Jovi fangirl, doesn´t miss a concert whereever she has a chance to go. Still wondering though what she REALLY like about the band ... ok, other topic :)

So, I am playing it right now the second time this evening (on headphones btw, my wife is watching sex and the city for the 144th time, you see what I mean ?). Anyway, I am not sure what you mean with it keeps the momentum throughout the whole disc, maybe exactly that is the problem. There are no real highlights. Pretty cool are "Have a nice day", "Last man standing", "last cigarette" and "I am", however, I always think I have already heard it somewhere before. If I don´t stay fully concentrated, I miss the songs end and beginning. It is just nothing new although well made songs. "Bells of Freedom" is "Mystery Train" with other words. That is why I would rate it disappointing, like Bounce. I will enjoy reading your review, I am no good in doing reviews.

My favorite BJs are the first album, New Jersey and Crush.
Cold Gin said:
So, I am playing it right now the second time this evening (on headphones btw, my wife is watching sex and the city for the 144th time, you see what I mean ?)..

I like your wife!:wave: I have all the sex and the city discs and watch them repeatedly....damn funny show!:D
Cold Gin said:
What about the music ? :tickled:

Ok, I would call myself a minor Bon Jovi fanguy. I´ve seen them 4 times live, got all the albums. My wife by the way would also call herself a major Bon Jovi fangirl, doesn´t miss a concert whereever she has a chance to go. Still wondering though what she REALLY like about the band ... ok, other topic :)

So, I am playing it right now the second time this evening (on headphones btw, my wife is watching sex and the city for the 144th time, you see what I mean ?). Anyway, I am not sure what you mean with it keeps the momentum throughout the whole disc, maybe exactly that is the problem. There are no real highlights. Pretty cool are "Have a nice day", "Last man standing", "last cigarette" and "I am", however, I always think I have already heard it somewhere before. If I don´t stay fully concentrated, I miss the songs end and beginning. It is just nothing new although well made songs. "Bells of Freedom" is "Mystery Train" with other words. That is why I would rate it disappointing, like Bounce. I will enjoy reading your review, I am no good in doing reviews.

My favorite BJs are the first album, New Jersey and Crush.

Hahahaha! Your wife sounds like a fun gal... I think I can relate to her on going to see BJ as much as possible... not only do they play great music... but THE HAIR DUDE! IT IS FAB! :D

My fave BJ's are 7800, New Jersey, KTF, These Days and HAND... I am surprised that Crush is a fav of yours as it did not have too much of a good reception... I did not like it myself that much either.... I'll have to go back and give it a spin... haven't listened to it in about 2 yrs :OMG:

As to that review I'll try to do it by this weekend... been just so very busy :erk:
Hmmm.... looks like mixed reviews. THat's about what I expected. I put it on my "buy" list, but it's pretty far down. Sometimes I need a break from my "normal" purchases but I think the newest Son Volt might top the list of that.

:oops: I am truly sorry for never posting that review... time is never on my side :erk:

Bryant... buy it! It's a great great album... you won't regret it