Anyone heard the new Yngwie Malmsteen?

Barney Greenway (Napalm Death) really butchered the Hell out of the latest Malmsteen release on! I though "War To end All Wars" was a really solid release despite the horrible production! I plan on picking up the newest one soon! I think everyone expects him to outdo "Marching Out" and that is an impossible task!
Yngwie Malmsteen should be praised & commended for sticking to his guns & avoiding the trends that have come & gone over the years!
Yngwie Rules!
He's so hit and miss. I mean, for every great Malmsteen song, there is a piece of shit. And I'm sorry, but the one thing that he is famous for is his only downfall.

The guy doesn't understand the concept of "less is more". If I could get Malmsteen albums without the obligatory wank diddle solos, then I'd be happy to spend my $$. :)
The main down fall for Yngwie was that he played too much. Of course as a result much of his music ended up sounding the same. However, his influence on metal was tremendous but I felt that it could have been stronger if he had done a few things better. For one his asshole attitude didn't help matters any. It also seemed that in the early 90's he tried to go pop on Eclipse...and of course it backfired.
I actually like Eclipse - tracks like What do You Want, Demon Driver, See you in Hell, and the title track (which is arguably his best instrumental) were great. To add, Goran Edman is my fave vocalist.

By the way, to all who like Yngwie but hate the widdles and diddles, you should check out a band called NOCTURNAL RITES. How do they sound? Imagine Malmsteen style song structures but with the clean and accurate playing of Powerslave era Iron Maiden (Smith/Murray). The singer on their latest album (SHADOWLAND) sounds a lot like Mike Vescera too.

Anyone else like Nocturnal Rites?
Originally posted by JayKeeley

By the way, to all who like Yngwie but hate the widdles and diddles, you should check out a band called NOCTURNAL RITES. How do they sound? Imagine Malmsteen style song structures but with the clean and accurate playing of Powerslave era Iron Maiden (Smith/Murray). The singer on their latest album (SHADOWLAND) sounds a lot like Mike Vescera too.

Anyone else like Nocturnal Rites? [/B]

Tales Of Mystery & Imagination ----]
The Sacred Talisman ----]

The Sacred Talisman is my favorite - lots of sing along type power metal with FANTASTIC melodic dual guitar harmonies - non stop blistering guitar leads, even on the slower "Legend Lives On".

Shadowland is much darker and 'galloping'. It could be one of my favorite albums of the year. Very underrated band indeed....