Anyone here like Alter Bridge?

The Nevermoron

New Metal Member
Apr 4, 2006
I'm being serious too. I dig 'em. They've got some excellent melodies, and I believe there may be a hint of a shredder lurking inside of Tremonti.
Yeah, the new singer is really awesome. He did all the vocals in the movie Rockstar. He was also the dude that Mark Wahlberg pulled up on stage to replace him at the end of the movie.

He's way more versatile and just plain better sounding that Stapp. My only complaint about him is that sometimes when he just hums shit without words, he sounds like a woman (Alter Bridge, not Stapp).
musically, theyre ok...I've always liked Mark Tremonti's songwriting style...but I HATE Miles Davis' vocals...they absolutely annoy the fuck outta me, haha...he sounds like a total diva, all of those un-necessary "whoa yeah"'s and "ooh"'s and "aah"'s
Yeah, they are not bad...much better with the new singer. And you are right about Tremonti in that there is a little shredder. Anyhow, he's a damn good guitarist.
One Day Remains is brilliant!!!!It really impressed me..

Scott Stapp's Great Divide is amazing as well.
Dude I still love the shit out the first Creed record. Torn is a really awesome song. I love the vibe and mood.
Shpongled said:
Dude I still love the shit out the first Creed record. Torn is a really awesome song. I love the vibe and mood.

Yea, that is probably my fav tune from that disc. I actually seen them live for that tour. They were pretty good for a new band at the time. Seen them in a small place too.