Anyone here make their own XLR cables?


Apr 19, 2005
New Castle, Indiana
I'm pretty sure we've all patched up some cables in our day, I know I have.

But I've yet to truly make my own XLR cables.

I'm possibly looking to buy bulk cables and ends and go for it. I have no idea how to wire up XLR ends, but I'm sure it's not difficult.

Anyone have advice and/or links to cheap suppliers?
Yeah, there's absolutely no beating Redco, and soldering XLR's is especially easy since you have so much more room to work with; I've managed to solder TRS cables, but it was not pretty (cuz the space is so small and you have to cram it into that narrow housing), and forget about TS cables (having to deal with the insulating shield), so I just buy premade for those and suck it up

Oh, but TS speaker cable is an exception, since that's like baby's first soldering job as everything is so massive :D
I've made all cables in my studio myself. Just bought a few 100 metres of Tasker cable and a bunch of Neutrik TRS and XLR 's and put the stuff together. A lot cheaper than buying them in a shop and I can make cables any lenght I want (for example: 7 metres, because 6 was just to short).
This week I split a 4 metres multicable up into 2 multicables of 2 metres for FX and keys patching.

XLR is easy, just make sure to connect the 3 cores right... google can help you with this :)
I make them all the time - its not difficult. For the first few they may be a little messy, but once you do a few it should start getting tidy. Be sure to invest in one of those solder sucker things to suck off excess solder that can end up loose or just bulky.

Be sure to buy good connectors - Neutrik would be most peoples first choice.