Anyone in Boston want to play capture the flag this Saturday?


Nov 9, 2001
So far we have about 25 kids. Josh, I'm looking in your general direction! Nick thisanimalman and pat floorbaord will be there!

We'll be meeting at Mission Hill Park at 2 PM and then heading over to the field in JP. Bring well-concealed alcohol! All are invited.
Capture the Flag! It's where you have two "teams" of "guys", and each "team" has their own "flag". There's a "halfway mark" dividing the "field" in two, and each "team" "hides" their "flag" somewhere on their side of the "field."

Each "team" tries to "cross the line" and "find the other team's flag" and return it to their "own side" without getting "caught" by "members of the opposing team". If they do get "caught" they get put in an area on the opposing team's side called the "prison" and remain "imprisoned" until a "member of their own team" can "infiltrate the prison" and "rescue them".

So on each "team" you have to have "offense" and "defenders".

There's "nothing gay" about it!!!!
We used to play Red Rover at band camp, but this sounds like more fun. If I was in Boston, I'd go- I'd bring the Guinness and Baileys for the car bombs. Nothing like gettin' loaded and putting people in prison.

So can you make a "fake" flag as a decoy and throw off the other team and ambush them?
Yeah, I haven't played capture the flag much. I have played it with paintball guns several times. It is a lot more fun. I need to play paintball again sometime, but I don't know anyone that plays anymore and am too cheap to pay for materials. I think I'll sell my gun and accessories soon. Anyone want a paintball gun with everything you need to play? :)
hah, nice image oyo. I saw that film last week and it was much better than I expected. I've never ever seen a film or book or anything in which a villain is defeated by having the fuck milked out of her.