Turn The Bloody Thing Off!
Back in the day, the auditorium was dominated by the light and sound generated by the stage with few visual distractions, during the slow song a sea of Bic lighters swaying in the darkness was the only interruption. But these days the space between you and the stage is constantly dotted with glowing mobile phone LCD screens held at arms length aimed at the stage! Let's enjoy it now rather than ruining the experience so that you can look at your photos later or send them to a friend. Be in the moment, not the later on.
Turn your phone off. You are not that important! Unless you are a doctor you don't need to be available 24 hours a day. Nothing can be more distracting or intrusive than the sound of your oh-so-individual ring tone constantly ringing next to someone throughout the gig or your voice shouting to be heard into the mouthpiece.
Shut Up And Be Still!
Quiet songs are not there for you to text, photograph or talk over; some of us are capable of actually being deeply attentive, moved, silent and still during those reflective intimate moments.
If you are blessed with height please remember that those seated or standing behind you are actually cursed. Sit or stand still so that those behind you who have inclined their heads or bodies to get a glimpse of the stage around your silhouette do not have to move back-and-forth like demented metronomes. Thanks for your consideration.
Amateur (or Professional) rock critics, please do not keep up a running commentary on the gig or after-song post-mortem to your easily-impressed girlfriend or equally vociferous partners. We don't want to hear it!
And speaking of hearing. Yes you (almost) know the lyrics to the songs, but we have not paid to hear your raucous karaoke in the back of our heads! Unless the performer gives any indication that they would like you to sing along, please refrain from allowing your limited vocal ability to drown out the person that we all actually paid to hear.
Unless the performer specifically asks "Any requests?" do not bellow out your request; particularly at inappropriate moments like when the performer is trying to communicate to the audience between songs or during a reflective moment during a song. Do you really think that the musicians will actually stop what they are doing and think to themselves "Some loud voiced bloke in a crowd of thousands just bawled out for a song, let's play it?"
Take off more demerit points if the band or performer have already played the song or are actually already playing it when you screech out your demented plea.
Enjoy the gig with fellow audience members rather than in spite of them!
So what are your pet peeves about audience behaviour at concerts?
Any other commandment suggestions?
Posted by Stephen Walker
April 10, 2008 10:00 PM
LATEST COMMENTSOver the years - and decades - it has increasingly seemed to me that people don't go to gigs to see the band, but just to be there. At the Laneways Festival, it didn't matter where I went, there would be this constant hum of people talking around me. And when the music gets louder, that just means they talk louder and the music loses out. At the Bjork gig, some woman stood behind me during one of her best numbers, to tell some inane domestic story which rose in volume until she was shouting it out, by which time I finally cracked. Some other people interrupted my friend enjoying the music so that he could take a photo of them posing in front of the stage. I just don't understand why they go.
Then again I've always had it in for the sound mixers. My theory is that they are all deaf, and rely on feeling base vibrations through their feet to adjust the knobs.
Posted by: Yuri Trash on April 11, 2008 4:12 PM
Gee I've been guilty of a few of the indiscretions mentioned so far. Funny that - they were at rock gigs.
To follow up from Sian's comments about the Birthday Party, I saw the Bad Seeds at the BDO in 96 (?) and had the good fortune to be right behind a bunch of Goths yelling out for "Release the Bats"...not sure what planet they thought they were on, but I was in hysterics when Kylie Minogue popped up to do Wild Rose and the biggest Gothest girl of the lot began yelling "We love you Kylie"...
Jabbering while off chops and everyone else is trying to listen to the band is very annoying. I know, I've been the jabberer, and I was told. If Dynomite wants to own up, he was the other jabberer. Sorry to the poor girl who really wanted to hear the Foo Fighters.
Posted by: Stormy on April 11, 2008 4:04 PM
I got in early, made it to the front row of the mosh pit, ended up getting squished against the barricade, but it was OK 'cos I could still breathe. Then the bloke who was crushed up behind me got a little too excited. Had to deal with his hard on in the small of my back for most of the concert...
Was so squished I couldn't even turn around to make sure I was punching the right person in the head. I thought better of it.
It still makes me shudder.
Posted by: Loz on April 11, 2008 3:49 PM
"And with ciggerette, they are a legal product. For those who do not want such things at concerts then stay home.
Posted by: Pat on April 11, 2008 12:13 PM"
You f*cking idiot.
Posted by: rick s on April 11, 2008 3:37 PM
If you don't like people moving around, singing or yelling during concerts maybe you should go and see all your favourite bands in Japan, where a rock show is treated like a night out at the opera (dress up, sit down and politely clap after each song). I'm sure the other 99% of concert goers, not to mention the bands onstage, like to see a bit of interaction and have a sing along to their favourite songs.
One thing that does get to me these days - and maybe is cos I'm a little older now and maybe cos I can't take them due to work - is that there are so many kids on drugs at concerts, and it makes them 10 times more obnoxious. It's bad enough that they have to start up mosh pits at the most inappropriate times and places, but they are also wasted and don't give a crap about anyone around them. I love being up the front or in the pit at a show, but sober and clean you have absolutely no chance of lasting in there against these tossers throwing themselves anywhere cos they are smashed.
It is pleasing when 5 minutes later you see them spewing in a corner or being carried outside zombie-like by their mates...
Posted by: Slayer on April 11, 2008 3:28 PM
I agree with most of what has been said. However, i take umbrage at the whining about tall people standing in front of you.
As someone who qualifies as "tall" (6"5) I have been pestered at a good portion of shows where standing is required. Believe it or not, us tall foks are not standing there to annoy you. Did it also never occur to you that the fact that you are standing BEHIND me means that I was, more than likely, there FIRST. Why should I move for you in that case?
So my advice to you if you are standing behind a tall person who appears to be enjoying the show. Instead of bugging them and spoilng their night. GO STAND SOMEWHERE ELSE!! Unless you are watching a show in someone's lounge room, you are most likely in a venue where there is more than one place in which to choose to stand. Why spoil it for someone else just because your mother chose wrong?
Posted by: Luc on April 11, 2008 3:13 PM
Pathetic saddo's who want to sit still in their seats, while everyone else around them stands, and who still expect to 'see'. One girl at a big concert actually tapped me on the shoulder to tell me to sit down, when all around us were also standing. Listen, you pathetic whinger - stay in the comfort of your middle-aged lounge room and listen to the CD at a 'discreet' volume next time.
Posted by: JJ on April 11, 2008 3:12 PM
I usually don't get too annoyed by fellow audience members at a concert. I figure a lot of stuff just comes with the territory. However, events at the U2 concert basically ruined a lot of the experience.
We were seated in the aisle seats. The only other people on our row were a group of guys. I have no idea why these guys even bothered to go to the concert because at least one of them squeezed past us to go to the bar/toilet in EVERY SINGLE SONG. There was not one song where we did not have to let at least one of these fat, bourboun stinking buffoons out.
I expect if you are seated in an aisle seat then at some stage you will have to let someone squeeze past you but these were the same guys ALL THROUGH THE CONCERT. They did not have the courtesy to wait until the end of a song and they did not have the courtesy to even say thank or acknowledge their repulsiveness in any way.
They left just before the last song so I don't even know why they were there. They spent so much time outside the stadium they really should have saved their money and let us enjoy the show.
Posted by: Sally on April 11, 2008 3:00 PM
Re: Tristan at 1:54pm
"The most annoying thing about music is that spoilt brats, like everyone who has written on this page"
I'm sorry, but don't you think that is a little elitist? I am more than happy to get drenched in 100 other peoples sweat to have a f***ing fantastic time at a concert, but I don't appreciate incosiderate a**holes who decide that they are the only one who matters, not the audience as a whole.
And re: Pat at 12:13pm
"People who will not tolerate smoking at out-door festivals."
Sorry, but yes it is illegal to smoke even within 3 metres of an indoor area, yes it makes me want to vomit when i inhale your passive smoke (and I used to be a smoker so bah), and no, i don't appreciate being on the receiving end of cigarette burns when idiots decide to smoke in tight crowds.
Of course everone has different ideas about what will make their concert awesome and memorable, but why should it involve abuse of the other people in the audience, or the performer?
Posted by: gebicat on April 11, 2008 3:00 PM
Don't eat garlic before attending a gig - there are always about 10 people you bump into with the worst garlic breath! - Especially in the mosh-pit.... Seriously, it's disgusting!
Posted by: No Garlic on April 11, 2008 1:54 PM
The most annoying thing about music is that spoilt brats, like everyone who has written on this page, and genuine music lovers can have completely different reasons for enjoying a show. If you are standing anywhere at a show, expect to get beer spilt on you, someone taller than you always in front, hideous BO smells, drunk guy next to you etc. its all a given if you are in the standing room.
If you are seated but at a high energy show, expect people to stand in their seat. Do you think the artist would rather be looking at an audience full of glum faces, or people standing in their seats shakin what their mamma gave them.
As for drugs at shows and festivals i have a constant reminder of why i don't partake. A few years ago NOFX played a show at Fanny's in Newy. we were standing at the front of the rise and in front of us was this guy having a great time during Frenzal, drinking etc. Pretty much as soon as Mike's voice came through the PA, this guy was hurling into the front corner of the room. Did not see a single NOFX song, which is hard to do.
Support live music but don't bloody winge and moan becuse it's not likr your movie experience.
Posted by: Tristan on April 11, 2008 1:54 PM
I hate everyone going to concerts. I want to just go to concerts where I'm the only person in the audience. There should be a law where I'm the only person allowed in through the front door.
Posted by: Thomas Peachey on April 11, 2008 1:48 PM
I few years ago at a Bruce Springsteen concert at the SCG, some drunken fool behind me kept yelling out PLAY BORN IN TH USA at the top of his lungs. This dimwit was too drunk to recognise the acustic version of the song Bruce opened the show with !!!
Posted by: geoff Johnston on April 11, 2008 1:42 PM
So, so, so many things...
People who aren't hard enough to mosh in the pit, so start up in the head nodding or gently grooving section. Idiots.
The river of people that always comes through the crowd and right in front of me, no matter the band, venue or who I'm with.
The person at the front of the river is going to get as close to the front as they can, I get that, they're not taking the no room at the inn story as a reason. But your mates who aren't as pushy just kind of stop... and wait... jammed into a spot that barely has room for those of us there already.
That tool and his mates who are at every gig waiting patiently up the back until the band play their big single then they run as fast as they can down the front, pushing everyone out of the way. You know, you could have got here early like I did.
Not saying excuse me as you push your way past me with 6 bourbons in hand.
Not getting out of the way when I say excuse me. I really want to see the band as well and am only leaving because I absolutely have to go to the toilet. Or maybe the bar. The point is, I wouldn't be leaving if it wasn't important AND I'm being polite.
Sitting down on the floor at pub gigs. Stand up and have some respect.
There are more... a lot more.
Posted by: Trakka on April 11, 2008 1:41 PM
People who throw themselves around as if they're on a jumping castle! They're usually in a small group (2 or 3 people) and are situated well away from the mosh pit - though even there they're behaviour would p*ss people off. I had a young couple behind me at Powderfinger and after about the fourth body slam that almost had me face first on the floor, i was forced to give some back. She wound up on her a**e on the floor!!
Posted by: Baxter on April 11, 2008 1:14 PM
I'm really over standing to watch concerts (Homebake & U2 come to mind) where my experience of the music is totally disrupted by people continually pushing past me front & rear. Can nobody stand still for five minutes?! Why are they always looking for a better spot or trying to link up with friends who are god knows where in the crowd, or on their way to or from the bar. People it's about the music and being able to focus on it!
Posted by: Mike on April 11, 2008 1:01 PM
i agree with an earlier post about ppl boosted up on others' shoulders! omg! so annoying! we can't actually see through you you know, cos you aren't actually made of glass!! also the crowd surging is crazy. RATM was insane, which i actually fully expected but was still mildly surprised. i was expecting to mosh, but there was so much surging that i just got carried around wedged between ppl! which funnily enough, takes something away from the enjoyment of the performance. i'd also like to point out that tall people aren't going out of their way to be in your line of sight, they're there to see the band too. just cos you're short you don't to push in front and use it as an excuse. go on, get up on someone's shoulders, give me a reason to hate you.
oh, and ppl who complain when you get up and they stay seated. who goes to a rock concert to sit down?? stay home and watch it on the dvd.
Posted by: kathryn on April 11, 2008 12:52 PM
That idiot who always does the 'woo hoo'at the beginning and end of every song they like. It's normally a bloke.
If I ever meet the guy that does it throughout Lior's (excellent) live album I will have to kill him.
So there you go.
Posted by: Davie Boy on April 11, 2008 12:51 PM
Years ago at the Horden I saw the Pogues. What a gig, what a band. Anyway, they were a funny band as they cut across so many genres the audience was full of everything from punks to hippies to folk music nuts.
Some twit who was out to impress his girlfriend decided to light up a huge & I mean huuuuuuge and stinking cigar right in the middle of the tightly packed crowd. People were smoking ciggies no drama but a cigar... please... He thought it was very funny to intentionally engulf people in a clouds of smoke turning to his girlfriend & laughing etc.
That was until she poured a drink on his head & stormed off. Then the surrounding crowd took it on themselves to, ahhh, assist him with his own departure & the extinguishing of his stinking stogie. Too funny, he deserved every bit of it.
Posted by: Rex on April 11, 2008 12:40 PM
I remember a few years ago I went to see Bob Dylan at Centenial Park. We bought seated tickets down the front rather than the general admission standing tickets at the back blocked off by a barracade.
When Bob Dylan came on stage all the people with the GA tickets at the back jumped the barracade and flooded the aisles at the front blocking the views of all the people who had paid more to be there.
Security did nothing to fix this and basically all these people got the view we paid for by jumping the barracade. This really did spoil the experience of what was an otherwise awesome concert.
Posted by: Pete on April 11, 2008 12:26 PM
People who will not tolerate smoking at out-door festivals. Recently me and a friend wanted to light up a smoke at the Blues fest, there was a sign saying "No Smoking Inside Tent" but we figured that as we were watching the Black Crows it would be OK. However, a person told us to take it outside the tent because the sign said so. Not that she was against smoking, but because the sign said so. When are people going to realise that you don't go to a rock gig for your health, your there to listen to the music, apreciate the band and consume alcohol (and other substances)condusive to a rock and roll lifestyle. And with ciggerette, they are a legal product. For those who do not want such things at concerts then stay home.
Posted by: Pat on April 11, 2008 12:13 PM
I went and saw Jason Mraz a few weeks ago and was so p***ed off at the morons yelling out song requests when he was trying to tell a story or was at the end of a particularly moving song. Total buzz kill. Mr Mraz tried to laugh it off and makes jokes, but I was just embarrassed. And had an overwhelming urge to punch the loud bastards in the face.
And also for the record - if you're going to take pictures of the performer from the *back* of the room, your little flash is going to do sweet f-all other than p*** me right off. Can't they filter out morons at the door?
Posted by: danni on April 11, 2008 12:07 PM
I think people should also show consideration for those of us who actually want to see the support act. My general attitude is "I paid for it so I want to see it". I realise that many people don't think this way, but do they have prevent others from enjoying the support by arriving late talking throgh the performance? Thats what the foyer is for.
At the Indigo Girls in the 90s, a large part of the audience, in their "coolness", succeeded in completely drowning out the excellent Muttonbirds.
Posted by: allan on April 11, 2008 12:04 PM
Simple. People who f*****g smell of B.O. or spray loads of cheap deodarant to 'mask' their B.O.
Posted by: Nam on April 11, 2008 11:56 AM
My pet Concert Hates:
1. The person next to you moshing (or attempting to mosh)
during quiet or serene songs
2. The guy with the short girlfriend standing in front of you who decides to put her on his shoulders so she can see. I'm sorry, but I came to see the bad, not get an eye-full of your girlfriend's ass!
3. Drunk or Drug-f***ed people bashing into you, not apologising, or just not realising. I don't drink or take drugs at concerts becuase funnily enough, i actually want to remember the gig - not the toilet cue ot the St Johns ambulance tent!!!
4. Unnecessarily violent mosh-pits. What happened to just jumping up and down, getting seroiusly squished, and avoiding the wheelers behind you?? Now there is so much crowd-surging going on you spend half the time just trying to stay upright!
5. People in mosh-pits who dont realise where their elbows are - usually in my face (giving me a bloody lip) or my chest (last time I got one in my sternum - long and hard. ouch!) or smaking me in the head. Jeez people!
And yes, I am a girl
Posted by: gebicat on April 11, 2008 11:42 AM
After the couple in front of me talked through the first few acts of the recent Countdown Spectacular, I leaned over, stroked the guy's neck affectionately, and asked him politely to stop talking. Seeing that it had been a male touch was enough to horrify him into silence, he didn't want that a second time! Great concert there-after.
Posted by: Mark Elrick on April 11, 2008 11:23 AM
Do not hold up merchandies of the band taht you are listening to, to show the band memebers that you own it. People behind you cannot see through it.. the band members don't give a f#@* that you own it and prolly care less that you brought it to the show.
To the chic at Soundwaves holding Brandon Boyds book up while Incubus was playing... you are lucky that about 20 of us didn't grab taht book and hurl it into the crowd!!!
Worst EVER!!!!!!
Posted by: Stacey on April 11, 2008 11:23 AM
I think what's worse than being close to someone who does the mobile phone take pictures thing are the people who take pictures of THEMSELVES while a gig is on! They make some room for themselves not considering other people and then do a "myspace pose" while Nine Inch Nails is playing "Hurt"!
Posted by: Kieran Wilson on April 11, 2008 11:12 AM
Don't go to a gig, take loads of drugs and then repeatedly yell out for a song you like of the bands new album. Then realise later that you've been yelling out the name of the Album (repeatedly and very loudly) rather than the name of the song.
Note to self, read the track list more carefully in future.....in my defence the name of the album was taken from the song, but the song had a different name. Their's a trick for young players.
Posted by: Dynomite on April 11, 2008 10:34 AM
'Don't throw up on the person standing infront of you' should definately make the list, as should 'Holding up a schooner of beer and spilling it on the heads of other punters is no way to show your appreciation for the show'...
Also, 'If you chose to come bare foot you should suffer the consequences and not expect random people to carry you around because you're mates are sick of it' (I've seen that a few times)... and, 'Don't ask me why I'm wearing earplugs, I've already got enough tinnitus, I don't need any more'
Posted by: steve on April 11, 2008 10:19 AM
Please turn off your mobile phone and keep them on you during concerts. There is nothing worse than being stuck behind someone who has their mobile phone with arms lifted up trying to record concert, with the mobile phone backlight blazing away or the person who talks on their mobile phone through an entire concert carelessly bumping into other people, without thinking of others around them. VERY ANNOYING.
Posted by: Geoff Palmer on April 11, 2008 10:02 AM
The repeated yells for unsolicited requests can get you down. I remember a Birthday Party gig at Sydney University in the early 80s, when some idiot kept yelling out for them to play "Shivers". Eventually Nick Cave drew himself up to his full height, fixed the offender with a death stare and said "we don't play that song, you fucking pig". Cue silence.
Posted by: sian on April 11, 2008 9:54 AM
Back in the day, the auditorium was dominated by the light and sound generated by the stage with few visual distractions, during the slow song a sea of Bic lighters swaying in the darkness was the only interruption. But these days the space between you and the stage is constantly dotted with glowing mobile phone LCD screens held at arms length aimed at the stage! Let's enjoy it now rather than ruining the experience so that you can look at your photos later or send them to a friend. Be in the moment, not the later on.
Turn your phone off. You are not that important! Unless you are a doctor you don't need to be available 24 hours a day. Nothing can be more distracting or intrusive than the sound of your oh-so-individual ring tone constantly ringing next to someone throughout the gig or your voice shouting to be heard into the mouthpiece.
Shut Up And Be Still!
Quiet songs are not there for you to text, photograph or talk over; some of us are capable of actually being deeply attentive, moved, silent and still during those reflective intimate moments.
If you are blessed with height please remember that those seated or standing behind you are actually cursed. Sit or stand still so that those behind you who have inclined their heads or bodies to get a glimpse of the stage around your silhouette do not have to move back-and-forth like demented metronomes. Thanks for your consideration.
Amateur (or Professional) rock critics, please do not keep up a running commentary on the gig or after-song post-mortem to your easily-impressed girlfriend or equally vociferous partners. We don't want to hear it!
And speaking of hearing. Yes you (almost) know the lyrics to the songs, but we have not paid to hear your raucous karaoke in the back of our heads! Unless the performer gives any indication that they would like you to sing along, please refrain from allowing your limited vocal ability to drown out the person that we all actually paid to hear.
Unless the performer specifically asks "Any requests?" do not bellow out your request; particularly at inappropriate moments like when the performer is trying to communicate to the audience between songs or during a reflective moment during a song. Do you really think that the musicians will actually stop what they are doing and think to themselves "Some loud voiced bloke in a crowd of thousands just bawled out for a song, let's play it?"
Take off more demerit points if the band or performer have already played the song or are actually already playing it when you screech out your demented plea.
Enjoy the gig with fellow audience members rather than in spite of them!
So what are your pet peeves about audience behaviour at concerts?
Any other commandment suggestions?
Posted by Stephen Walker
April 10, 2008 10:00 PM
LATEST COMMENTSOver the years - and decades - it has increasingly seemed to me that people don't go to gigs to see the band, but just to be there. At the Laneways Festival, it didn't matter where I went, there would be this constant hum of people talking around me. And when the music gets louder, that just means they talk louder and the music loses out. At the Bjork gig, some woman stood behind me during one of her best numbers, to tell some inane domestic story which rose in volume until she was shouting it out, by which time I finally cracked. Some other people interrupted my friend enjoying the music so that he could take a photo of them posing in front of the stage. I just don't understand why they go.
Then again I've always had it in for the sound mixers. My theory is that they are all deaf, and rely on feeling base vibrations through their feet to adjust the knobs.
Posted by: Yuri Trash on April 11, 2008 4:12 PM
Gee I've been guilty of a few of the indiscretions mentioned so far. Funny that - they were at rock gigs.
To follow up from Sian's comments about the Birthday Party, I saw the Bad Seeds at the BDO in 96 (?) and had the good fortune to be right behind a bunch of Goths yelling out for "Release the Bats"...not sure what planet they thought they were on, but I was in hysterics when Kylie Minogue popped up to do Wild Rose and the biggest Gothest girl of the lot began yelling "We love you Kylie"...
Jabbering while off chops and everyone else is trying to listen to the band is very annoying. I know, I've been the jabberer, and I was told. If Dynomite wants to own up, he was the other jabberer. Sorry to the poor girl who really wanted to hear the Foo Fighters.
Posted by: Stormy on April 11, 2008 4:04 PM
I got in early, made it to the front row of the mosh pit, ended up getting squished against the barricade, but it was OK 'cos I could still breathe. Then the bloke who was crushed up behind me got a little too excited. Had to deal with his hard on in the small of my back for most of the concert...
Was so squished I couldn't even turn around to make sure I was punching the right person in the head. I thought better of it.
It still makes me shudder.
Posted by: Loz on April 11, 2008 3:49 PM
"And with ciggerette, they are a legal product. For those who do not want such things at concerts then stay home.
Posted by: Pat on April 11, 2008 12:13 PM"
You f*cking idiot.
Posted by: rick s on April 11, 2008 3:37 PM
If you don't like people moving around, singing or yelling during concerts maybe you should go and see all your favourite bands in Japan, where a rock show is treated like a night out at the opera (dress up, sit down and politely clap after each song). I'm sure the other 99% of concert goers, not to mention the bands onstage, like to see a bit of interaction and have a sing along to their favourite songs.
One thing that does get to me these days - and maybe is cos I'm a little older now and maybe cos I can't take them due to work - is that there are so many kids on drugs at concerts, and it makes them 10 times more obnoxious. It's bad enough that they have to start up mosh pits at the most inappropriate times and places, but they are also wasted and don't give a crap about anyone around them. I love being up the front or in the pit at a show, but sober and clean you have absolutely no chance of lasting in there against these tossers throwing themselves anywhere cos they are smashed.
It is pleasing when 5 minutes later you see them spewing in a corner or being carried outside zombie-like by their mates...
Posted by: Slayer on April 11, 2008 3:28 PM
I agree with most of what has been said. However, i take umbrage at the whining about tall people standing in front of you.
As someone who qualifies as "tall" (6"5) I have been pestered at a good portion of shows where standing is required. Believe it or not, us tall foks are not standing there to annoy you. Did it also never occur to you that the fact that you are standing BEHIND me means that I was, more than likely, there FIRST. Why should I move for you in that case?
So my advice to you if you are standing behind a tall person who appears to be enjoying the show. Instead of bugging them and spoilng their night. GO STAND SOMEWHERE ELSE!! Unless you are watching a show in someone's lounge room, you are most likely in a venue where there is more than one place in which to choose to stand. Why spoil it for someone else just because your mother chose wrong?
Posted by: Luc on April 11, 2008 3:13 PM
Pathetic saddo's who want to sit still in their seats, while everyone else around them stands, and who still expect to 'see'. One girl at a big concert actually tapped me on the shoulder to tell me to sit down, when all around us were also standing. Listen, you pathetic whinger - stay in the comfort of your middle-aged lounge room and listen to the CD at a 'discreet' volume next time.
Posted by: JJ on April 11, 2008 3:12 PM
I usually don't get too annoyed by fellow audience members at a concert. I figure a lot of stuff just comes with the territory. However, events at the U2 concert basically ruined a lot of the experience.
We were seated in the aisle seats. The only other people on our row were a group of guys. I have no idea why these guys even bothered to go to the concert because at least one of them squeezed past us to go to the bar/toilet in EVERY SINGLE SONG. There was not one song where we did not have to let at least one of these fat, bourboun stinking buffoons out.
I expect if you are seated in an aisle seat then at some stage you will have to let someone squeeze past you but these were the same guys ALL THROUGH THE CONCERT. They did not have the courtesy to wait until the end of a song and they did not have the courtesy to even say thank or acknowledge their repulsiveness in any way.
They left just before the last song so I don't even know why they were there. They spent so much time outside the stadium they really should have saved their money and let us enjoy the show.
Posted by: Sally on April 11, 2008 3:00 PM
Re: Tristan at 1:54pm
"The most annoying thing about music is that spoilt brats, like everyone who has written on this page"
I'm sorry, but don't you think that is a little elitist? I am more than happy to get drenched in 100 other peoples sweat to have a f***ing fantastic time at a concert, but I don't appreciate incosiderate a**holes who decide that they are the only one who matters, not the audience as a whole.
And re: Pat at 12:13pm
"People who will not tolerate smoking at out-door festivals."
Sorry, but yes it is illegal to smoke even within 3 metres of an indoor area, yes it makes me want to vomit when i inhale your passive smoke (and I used to be a smoker so bah), and no, i don't appreciate being on the receiving end of cigarette burns when idiots decide to smoke in tight crowds.
Of course everone has different ideas about what will make their concert awesome and memorable, but why should it involve abuse of the other people in the audience, or the performer?
Posted by: gebicat on April 11, 2008 3:00 PM
Don't eat garlic before attending a gig - there are always about 10 people you bump into with the worst garlic breath! - Especially in the mosh-pit.... Seriously, it's disgusting!
Posted by: No Garlic on April 11, 2008 1:54 PM
The most annoying thing about music is that spoilt brats, like everyone who has written on this page, and genuine music lovers can have completely different reasons for enjoying a show. If you are standing anywhere at a show, expect to get beer spilt on you, someone taller than you always in front, hideous BO smells, drunk guy next to you etc. its all a given if you are in the standing room.
If you are seated but at a high energy show, expect people to stand in their seat. Do you think the artist would rather be looking at an audience full of glum faces, or people standing in their seats shakin what their mamma gave them.
As for drugs at shows and festivals i have a constant reminder of why i don't partake. A few years ago NOFX played a show at Fanny's in Newy. we were standing at the front of the rise and in front of us was this guy having a great time during Frenzal, drinking etc. Pretty much as soon as Mike's voice came through the PA, this guy was hurling into the front corner of the room. Did not see a single NOFX song, which is hard to do.
Support live music but don't bloody winge and moan becuse it's not likr your movie experience.
Posted by: Tristan on April 11, 2008 1:54 PM
I hate everyone going to concerts. I want to just go to concerts where I'm the only person in the audience. There should be a law where I'm the only person allowed in through the front door.
Posted by: Thomas Peachey on April 11, 2008 1:48 PM
I few years ago at a Bruce Springsteen concert at the SCG, some drunken fool behind me kept yelling out PLAY BORN IN TH USA at the top of his lungs. This dimwit was too drunk to recognise the acustic version of the song Bruce opened the show with !!!
Posted by: geoff Johnston on April 11, 2008 1:42 PM
So, so, so many things...
People who aren't hard enough to mosh in the pit, so start up in the head nodding or gently grooving section. Idiots.
The river of people that always comes through the crowd and right in front of me, no matter the band, venue or who I'm with.
The person at the front of the river is going to get as close to the front as they can, I get that, they're not taking the no room at the inn story as a reason. But your mates who aren't as pushy just kind of stop... and wait... jammed into a spot that barely has room for those of us there already.
That tool and his mates who are at every gig waiting patiently up the back until the band play their big single then they run as fast as they can down the front, pushing everyone out of the way. You know, you could have got here early like I did.
Not saying excuse me as you push your way past me with 6 bourbons in hand.
Not getting out of the way when I say excuse me. I really want to see the band as well and am only leaving because I absolutely have to go to the toilet. Or maybe the bar. The point is, I wouldn't be leaving if it wasn't important AND I'm being polite.
Sitting down on the floor at pub gigs. Stand up and have some respect.
There are more... a lot more.
Posted by: Trakka on April 11, 2008 1:41 PM
People who throw themselves around as if they're on a jumping castle! They're usually in a small group (2 or 3 people) and are situated well away from the mosh pit - though even there they're behaviour would p*ss people off. I had a young couple behind me at Powderfinger and after about the fourth body slam that almost had me face first on the floor, i was forced to give some back. She wound up on her a**e on the floor!!
Posted by: Baxter on April 11, 2008 1:14 PM
I'm really over standing to watch concerts (Homebake & U2 come to mind) where my experience of the music is totally disrupted by people continually pushing past me front & rear. Can nobody stand still for five minutes?! Why are they always looking for a better spot or trying to link up with friends who are god knows where in the crowd, or on their way to or from the bar. People it's about the music and being able to focus on it!
Posted by: Mike on April 11, 2008 1:01 PM
i agree with an earlier post about ppl boosted up on others' shoulders! omg! so annoying! we can't actually see through you you know, cos you aren't actually made of glass!! also the crowd surging is crazy. RATM was insane, which i actually fully expected but was still mildly surprised. i was expecting to mosh, but there was so much surging that i just got carried around wedged between ppl! which funnily enough, takes something away from the enjoyment of the performance. i'd also like to point out that tall people aren't going out of their way to be in your line of sight, they're there to see the band too. just cos you're short you don't to push in front and use it as an excuse. go on, get up on someone's shoulders, give me a reason to hate you.
oh, and ppl who complain when you get up and they stay seated. who goes to a rock concert to sit down?? stay home and watch it on the dvd.
Posted by: kathryn on April 11, 2008 12:52 PM
That idiot who always does the 'woo hoo'at the beginning and end of every song they like. It's normally a bloke.
If I ever meet the guy that does it throughout Lior's (excellent) live album I will have to kill him.
So there you go.
Posted by: Davie Boy on April 11, 2008 12:51 PM
Years ago at the Horden I saw the Pogues. What a gig, what a band. Anyway, they were a funny band as they cut across so many genres the audience was full of everything from punks to hippies to folk music nuts.
Some twit who was out to impress his girlfriend decided to light up a huge & I mean huuuuuuge and stinking cigar right in the middle of the tightly packed crowd. People were smoking ciggies no drama but a cigar... please... He thought it was very funny to intentionally engulf people in a clouds of smoke turning to his girlfriend & laughing etc.
That was until she poured a drink on his head & stormed off. Then the surrounding crowd took it on themselves to, ahhh, assist him with his own departure & the extinguishing of his stinking stogie. Too funny, he deserved every bit of it.
Posted by: Rex on April 11, 2008 12:40 PM
I remember a few years ago I went to see Bob Dylan at Centenial Park. We bought seated tickets down the front rather than the general admission standing tickets at the back blocked off by a barracade.
When Bob Dylan came on stage all the people with the GA tickets at the back jumped the barracade and flooded the aisles at the front blocking the views of all the people who had paid more to be there.
Security did nothing to fix this and basically all these people got the view we paid for by jumping the barracade. This really did spoil the experience of what was an otherwise awesome concert.
Posted by: Pete on April 11, 2008 12:26 PM
People who will not tolerate smoking at out-door festivals. Recently me and a friend wanted to light up a smoke at the Blues fest, there was a sign saying "No Smoking Inside Tent" but we figured that as we were watching the Black Crows it would be OK. However, a person told us to take it outside the tent because the sign said so. Not that she was against smoking, but because the sign said so. When are people going to realise that you don't go to a rock gig for your health, your there to listen to the music, apreciate the band and consume alcohol (and other substances)condusive to a rock and roll lifestyle. And with ciggerette, they are a legal product. For those who do not want such things at concerts then stay home.
Posted by: Pat on April 11, 2008 12:13 PM
I went and saw Jason Mraz a few weeks ago and was so p***ed off at the morons yelling out song requests when he was trying to tell a story or was at the end of a particularly moving song. Total buzz kill. Mr Mraz tried to laugh it off and makes jokes, but I was just embarrassed. And had an overwhelming urge to punch the loud bastards in the face.
And also for the record - if you're going to take pictures of the performer from the *back* of the room, your little flash is going to do sweet f-all other than p*** me right off. Can't they filter out morons at the door?
Posted by: danni on April 11, 2008 12:07 PM
I think people should also show consideration for those of us who actually want to see the support act. My general attitude is "I paid for it so I want to see it". I realise that many people don't think this way, but do they have prevent others from enjoying the support by arriving late talking throgh the performance? Thats what the foyer is for.
At the Indigo Girls in the 90s, a large part of the audience, in their "coolness", succeeded in completely drowning out the excellent Muttonbirds.
Posted by: allan on April 11, 2008 12:04 PM
Simple. People who f*****g smell of B.O. or spray loads of cheap deodarant to 'mask' their B.O.
Posted by: Nam on April 11, 2008 11:56 AM
My pet Concert Hates:
1. The person next to you moshing (or attempting to mosh)
during quiet or serene songs
2. The guy with the short girlfriend standing in front of you who decides to put her on his shoulders so she can see. I'm sorry, but I came to see the bad, not get an eye-full of your girlfriend's ass!
3. Drunk or Drug-f***ed people bashing into you, not apologising, or just not realising. I don't drink or take drugs at concerts becuase funnily enough, i actually want to remember the gig - not the toilet cue ot the St Johns ambulance tent!!!
4. Unnecessarily violent mosh-pits. What happened to just jumping up and down, getting seroiusly squished, and avoiding the wheelers behind you?? Now there is so much crowd-surging going on you spend half the time just trying to stay upright!
5. People in mosh-pits who dont realise where their elbows are - usually in my face (giving me a bloody lip) or my chest (last time I got one in my sternum - long and hard. ouch!) or smaking me in the head. Jeez people!
And yes, I am a girl

Posted by: gebicat on April 11, 2008 11:42 AM
After the couple in front of me talked through the first few acts of the recent Countdown Spectacular, I leaned over, stroked the guy's neck affectionately, and asked him politely to stop talking. Seeing that it had been a male touch was enough to horrify him into silence, he didn't want that a second time! Great concert there-after.
Posted by: Mark Elrick on April 11, 2008 11:23 AM
Do not hold up merchandies of the band taht you are listening to, to show the band memebers that you own it. People behind you cannot see through it.. the band members don't give a f#@* that you own it and prolly care less that you brought it to the show.
To the chic at Soundwaves holding Brandon Boyds book up while Incubus was playing... you are lucky that about 20 of us didn't grab taht book and hurl it into the crowd!!!
Worst EVER!!!!!!
Posted by: Stacey on April 11, 2008 11:23 AM
I think what's worse than being close to someone who does the mobile phone take pictures thing are the people who take pictures of THEMSELVES while a gig is on! They make some room for themselves not considering other people and then do a "myspace pose" while Nine Inch Nails is playing "Hurt"!
Posted by: Kieran Wilson on April 11, 2008 11:12 AM
Don't go to a gig, take loads of drugs and then repeatedly yell out for a song you like of the bands new album. Then realise later that you've been yelling out the name of the Album (repeatedly and very loudly) rather than the name of the song.
Note to self, read the track list more carefully in future.....in my defence the name of the album was taken from the song, but the song had a different name. Their's a trick for young players.
Posted by: Dynomite on April 11, 2008 10:34 AM
'Don't throw up on the person standing infront of you' should definately make the list, as should 'Holding up a schooner of beer and spilling it on the heads of other punters is no way to show your appreciation for the show'...
Also, 'If you chose to come bare foot you should suffer the consequences and not expect random people to carry you around because you're mates are sick of it' (I've seen that a few times)... and, 'Don't ask me why I'm wearing earplugs, I've already got enough tinnitus, I don't need any more'
Posted by: steve on April 11, 2008 10:19 AM
Please turn off your mobile phone and keep them on you during concerts. There is nothing worse than being stuck behind someone who has their mobile phone with arms lifted up trying to record concert, with the mobile phone backlight blazing away or the person who talks on their mobile phone through an entire concert carelessly bumping into other people, without thinking of others around them. VERY ANNOYING.
Posted by: Geoff Palmer on April 11, 2008 10:02 AM
The repeated yells for unsolicited requests can get you down. I remember a Birthday Party gig at Sydney University in the early 80s, when some idiot kept yelling out for them to play "Shivers". Eventually Nick Cave drew himself up to his full height, fixed the offender with a death stare and said "we don't play that song, you fucking pig". Cue silence.
Posted by: sian on April 11, 2008 9:54 AM