***everyone*** Read!!!!!

OKAAAAAAY. We know that LB and that fuckhead FD are a total pile of shit swimming in an ocean of vomit and they enjoy it... No need to comment on that...

But! The same goes to the ones who have anything to do with them, this including wanna-be members of them.
And jimbob got it right. $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$!
So everyone who wants to participate to LB as a member is proboably not much better than them.

Sorry for saying this, but i had to.
If you want to make a living of your guitar work, make really good music and try something on your own, not hanging on the balls of others. Esp. when the "others" are faggots. :mad:
hey metalized ... calm down haha ... its obvious that LB are just assholes so lets go and flame them!!!
but these poor bastards that get (got) ripped of by LB ... yeah, who wants to join such lamers? me not, never, hahaha ... but they maybe saw $$$$$ or only a CHANCE - and not more! ah, the ones that saw $$$$$$ hahaha bad luck
the others .. shit I´m sorry for u ppl go out and flame LB!!!
Originally posted by Anarcho
Those retardet cunts from limp dickshit have probebly smoked too much pot and can´t come up with their own ideas!!!
Actually most ppl who do lotsa pot, do come up with good ideas... :grin: (as most dudes here would say, and i have some examples of that... :heh: )
But dude, pot kills brain cells and the guys in Bizkit are retardet so they didn´t have to smoke much to kill´em all!!!
And yes, I know a lot of great musicians smoke pot.
Damn, this is old! :lol: I remember reading this last year, & while I agree Durst is a piece of shit, that contract was necessary. I HIGHLY doubt there was any worthwile one minute guitar parts stolen at ANY of those publicity stunts they called "tryouts" All that contract does is protect the "band" from any future lawsuits from some guy who claims he wrote something, & they stole it. Same thing is done in the movie business. NO-ONE will look at an unsolicited (Meaning, not given to them by a lawyer/agent.) screenplay, because after reading it, they may decide not to do anything with it, but a few years later, the idea manifests itself in something else they're doing, & the guy who originally wrote it sues. Everybody but the lawyers end up losing. Same thing goes in music. Lets say you hear a CD of a band once, & completely forget about it. A few years later, you're writing some new songs, & subconsciously it ends up sounding almost exactly like that CD you heard before. You don't remember that, so you release the songs to the masses, & the guy who wrote the piece that subconsciously became "yours" hires a lawyer, & next thing you know, you're being accused of ripping off someone you've never even met. The legalities of the whole thing are too complex to write in a message board post, so check out some law books. :p

I love how they said "no guitar solos". That and the contract and the 60 seconds, oh hell, just it being Limp Bizkit should have given it away to everyone there that they were planning on using the guitar parts that were played. I'm sorry, but if you are stupid enough to go in and play something that you took time to think of and are proud of after signing the contract and reading the rules, then you deserve to have your stuff stolen. But Durst is still the most evil person on this planet for playing with all of those morons' emotions. Many people dream of having a career where they can make a lot of $ and those people had those dreams ripped out of their heads and got kicked back into society's reality. Never mess with dreams, dreams are immortal.

...I assumed (yes, the mother of all fuck-ups!) that this was a new thread. This board usually moves pretty fast from what I've seen - I'm amazed this Limp Bizkit shit is *still* being talked about.... :rolleyes:

Let them fade into the past, please! ;)