Anyone into old Marilyn Manson?


Nov 8, 2005
NJ, U.S.A.
Specifically this album:


I've left 90% of my angst-ridden teen/nu-metal crap, blah blah behind me, but I still really dig this album. Very original for the time, hell even now.

I might be alone on this one, but I dig this album like hell.

Children was a great album as well... rather I should say it represents a milestone in my life so it holds value and sentiment for me. Just the same with Superstar... the track mixes aren't much to write home about but I cant imagine it having the same impact if it sounded any other way. For me, it added a sort of texture and slammed the message home.
I was skeptical about Mechanical when it came out but after listening to it, start to finish, and viewing it as a bigger picture rather than individual tracks... I grew to love that album as well.
I cant stand any of Manson's newer releases. I tried to get into holywood and grotesque but they just didn't have the same passion behind the music for me. The writing seemed distant and empty.
This sentence is the only comment I'll waste regarding his most recent releases.
Love everything up to (and including) "Mechanical Animals". "Holy Wood" was still decent, the last piece of the trilogy and his last album of musical relevance for me.

Quite a shame actually. Yeah, it's surely a love him/them or hate him/them scenario, but IMO he used to have the songs to back his persona up. Not anymore, though.
According to an article I read online (cant remember where) Manson stated that he plays some guitars, recorded all drum parts and vox on the latest couple releases.
I cant help but feeling like the one man band mentality has ruined and reduced a great musician into a fading (rock) star.
Huge MM fan here. Granted over the years it took the shit releases (GAOG, EMDM) for me to realize that I'm really a huge Jeordie White fan. I really dig Portrait for what it was musically, but still don't really connect with MM as a vocalist on that cd.

It's when Jeordie (Twiggy) joined and they made SLC that I really got into them. He definitely is the musical director of the band, and when he left the band it only became more obvious. I was beyond excited when I heard he returned, and really dig the new album for what it is. Sure it's not a return to The Tryptich (ACSS - MA - HW), but the music on this is far superior in every way to the last two albums. It really just sounds like they just got in and hashed out a bunch of songs for the pure love of making music together, so hopefully the next album shows more focus and mutual contributions to all aspects of the music.

If you haven't already - check out Goon Moon (Jeordie's band w/ Chris Goss). Their album Lickers Last Leg is one of the better albums I've heard in the last few years. Really good stuff, and JW really shows off some excellent song writing and vocal abilities. Really glad he's playing guitar and doing additional vocals live w/ MM. I'd like to really see them embrace that in their next album.
i got played some stuff off smells like children by an old friend whos one of those hardcore "old manson is best manson" guys
i digged it a lot
was years ago now though
id probs appreciate it more now
Yeah , i love their first album.
I dont listen to any manson that was made after the 'Mechanical Animals' album. He became a total cokehead ego maniac who started making bad music.
Manson thinks he is such an artist that he has done all his vox tracks in one take the last few albums. No wonder he sounds like shit now!

Maybe if he quit all the hard drugs and his homofied absinthe phase, ....and quit dressing like a fruitball.... it would be possible to make a good record.