anyone know how to sing Death/Black vocals?

Death and black vocals are different, what type of vocals do you want to use? Btw I'll look for some threads where I gave some advices, i'm not in the mood of typing much today /forum/images/smilies/supergrin.gif
Ive read alot of the threads
and all ive come across is advice like "it has to come from below" "not from the throat, from the gut"

thats all well and good
but I need a little more than that to go on

I mean, from the gut... ok, i try and not make it come out of my throat, but all that comes out is normal

I dont want to screw up my vocal chords here
Jesburger said:
Ive read alot of the threads
and all ive come across is advice like "it has to come from below" "not from the throat, from the gut"

thats all well and good
but I need a little more than that to go on

I mean, from the gut... ok, i try and not make it come out of my throat, but all that comes out is normal

I dont want to screw up my vocal chords here

Actually, those advices don't apply to black metal style. Black metal bands use a lot of screaming and screeching, in that case the trick is to do the screams and knowing when you're reaching your limits (in other words, knowing when you're doing things wrong) You shouldn't be afraid to test yourself with the screaming, imitate your favorite black metal vocalists and see what are your limits. Like I said before, if you feel pain after a singing session and the pain continues, you should stop for a while and try other methods that aren't too harsh on your throat.
Any tips on how to actually distort my voice?
that seems to be the main difficulty, and no one talks about actual technique on how to do it /forum/images/smilies/frown.gif

I mean, anyone can scream, but screaming like Ishahn is a different matter altogether

edit- the only way i can see off distorting my voice, is with my throat
which isnt the good technique (or so I have heard)

This is where i need help :cry:
Now I see what's your problem. I've never been an Emperor fan, so do you know any other bands that use screams like that? or similar?. There's nothing wrong with using your throat (actually, I use my throat to add some spice on my singing) but it's not a good technique to use in excess (you already know the side effects).

hell, all black metal bands sound the same

edit- so you see the problem :p
its hard to churn up something out of nothing

I mean, at least death there SOME technique in the other threads
black I didnt find anything!
The growl comes from below, but you use your throat to shape the sound. There's no real way to "tell" you how to do it, you just have to experiment on your own, and it shouldn't be much more than low noise that needs to be amplified. If you do it at normal talking volume, you'll end up hurting yourself.

Just practice and experiment.
how do I know if the sound comes "from below"?

Especially in the high pitched black metal style, it seems kinda hard for something so high pitches to come from "below"

and I have one last question
To distort the sound, do you use "your gut" or your throat? or a combination of both?
what i did to learn was just try and mimic cd's. scream but sorta put a rough feel in the throat like your tryin to hack somthin up. another thing to try is just yell and then manipulate your chords up or down to get the pitch you want. be definatly start with a natural tone
I've wondered this myself, as it amazes me to see Death/Black vocalists who can scream that stuff out consistently on tour for an hour or two a night.

I know a few good "extreme" vocalists, and when I asked them how they did it, they just looked at me weird - as if they just always could do it and it required no special effort (kind of like I'd asked them "How do you breathe?")

So based on my scientific survey of 4 dudes - either ya can do it or ya can't... there's no learning how.

Although smoking and drinking hard liquor seemed to work for alotta cats back in the day.
I have been with a black metal band for 2 years now.genocide roach is right.Its not that easy becouse your doing some thing that you have never done befor.Just pactice alot.And all ways reamber you wont be good right away.If you realy want some thing you have to work to get it.
Jesburger said:
how do I know if the sound comes "from below"?

Especially in the high pitched black metal style, it seems kinda hard for something so high pitches to come from "below"

and I have one last question
To distort the sound, do you use "your gut" or your throat? or a combination of both?

Xenophobe was reffering to death metal vocals. On black metal vocals you don't need any special technique, really. As genocide said, mimic Cd's and practice a lot. The only thing you have to remember is not to hurt your throat, you have to learn your limits and if you feel that your throat is hurting, stop singing for a while and start again with less use of the throat.
thats awesome. i was wondering how to do both death and black metal vocals, just for the hell of it. I got the death metal vocals, i cant do it that loud, but from what xenophobe said, apparently im doing it right. i have been trying to sing like shagrath for sooo long. i think i learned my limits with him and galder, i enjoy it!