Anyone know what band this is?


Oct 28, 2009
I was watching Scuzz the other night and a band came on that I thought sounded pretty good. Unfortunately I didn't catch their name. If I told you the details of the music video I thought you might be able to tell me who the band are. I remember that the band name was one word and the song name was quite long but I was sitting quite far away from the TV so I couldn't make them out. The singer had long hair and a beard and I think he was blonde but I'm not sure because the video was in black and white. One of the guitarists had dark, shoulder-length hair and was wearing a Meshuggah T-shirt. The other was quite big and I think he was wearing a Misery Index T-shirt. I can't really remember what the drummer looked like. I think it was a death metal song but I can't say for sure. I hope this is enough information. Any help would be appreciated.