Anyone know what happened to Luddite Clone?

dill_the_devil Music Editor
I was thinking about this band recently... they released an album, 'The Arsonist And The Architect' to some acclaim roundabout the same time Nasum released Human 2.0 (a good time for grindcore, that...), then seemingly disappeared off the face of the planet... I've assumed since then that they split up, but does anyone know for sure?

If they did split, what were the circumstances, and have the members formed any new bands?

NP : Luddite Clone - Arthropod
Great band.
Not to sure about the circumsatances surrounding their hiatus, but I 'think' they have split up. If you find, let me know. Haha.
I read somewhere that the band split and some members formed another band. Gimme some time to find out.

FOr the record, I really didn't care for their EP.