Anyone know where to get a Manowar patch?


Warrior of The World
Nov 15, 2005
Lowestoft - England
I have been searching for absolutely AGES for a descent Manowar backpatch now and it seems they are scarce as gold dust here in England.

I want to get hold of the "Achilles Agony and Ecstacy" "Warriors of The World" or "Triumph of Steel" ones but cant seem to get them anywhere, its a damn shame too as they would look ace on my sleeveless denim with the other Manowar patches i have.

If anyone knows how i can possibly get my hands on such a prize then i would greatly appreciate their help.
Been to Ebay already, and if youll notice i said BACKPATCH, i already have manowar patches myself i just need the big one to complete my jacket.

And thanks for the link Hamock, its appreciated.
Axel-Slash said:
I have been searching for absolutely AGES for a descent Manowar backpatch now and it seems they are scarce as gold dust here in England.

I want to get hold of the "Achilles Agony and Ecstacy" "Warriors of The World" or "Triumph of Steel" ones but cant seem to get them anywhere, its a damn shame too as they would look ace on my sleeveless denim with the other Manowar patches i have.

If anyone knows how i can possibly get my hands on such a prize then i would greatly appreciate their help.
whats:kickass: :kickass: :kickass: :kickass: :kickass: :kickass: :kickass: a patch man
Actually that damned show was set in my town and Gene Simmons decided to ignore us true metallers when we approached him and asked for his photo, then he went off and talked to some emo's.

The sooner science creates a cure for emo's the better too bad the government dont agree with my mustard gas idea.
Axel-Slash said:
Actually that damned show was set in my town and Gene Simmons decided to ignore us true metallers when we approached him and asked for his photo, then he went off and talked to some emo's.

The sooner science creates a cure for emo's the better too bad the government dont agree with my mustard gas idea.
what is emos?
Sorry to resurrect an ancient thread. I'm looking for a Triumph of Steel back-patch. I've checked all the usual sites. I've tried festivals, even MCF, but no luck. I have found other Manowar back-patches, but I have my heart set on the Triumph of Steel.

If anyone knows where I could get one, or is selling one, please let me know!

Cathy :rock:
If you hadn't already bought one, I was going to suggest making one. I used to make a lot of my own patches for my purses and stuff because I couldn't find any of the bands I wanted.