Anyone mind telling me the basic differences in bass guitars?


Anssi Tenhunen
I have this LTD cheapo bass, B-50. The thing is that I find that even with new strings, the bass just sounds too muffled and just muds up the whole mix. So too much low midrange, not clear enough attack etc. So I think I really need an upgrade, I'm thinking of 500 pricerange, tops.

I have done some selfstudy and come to a conclusion that there is the 3-4 common bass variants (Similiar to the strato/tele/lespaul/flying v/explorer thing on guitars):

- J-bass (jazz)
- P-bass (precision)
- "heavy" basses
+ fretless, but that's completely another story

I listened to various sounds samples from the Thomann website and where the B50 has this kinda low-mid heavy sound. Pretty much any of the P-bass samples in my pricerange didn't attract me, but this HB J-bass seem to have a bit more top heavy biased sound (and it sounded better than the Fender one to my ears), which is kinda nice actually, as I can imagine that it doesn't clutter the mix as much and it as enough attack to cut thru even the thickest guitarwall. But then we come to the question does it have enough low end? This one was a nice compromise between the two, but I fear that it might turn out really dead sounding after the strings get older.

Any suggestions?
I like J-basses better than P-Basses because the later seem IMHO to have a lot of crap on the same area heavy guitars chug. For me that kind of tone works better for jazz, world music, maybe some pop...The J-bass has more low end extension and more top end clarity, seems a little more scooped (at least on the instruments ive played or recorded).
our bassplayer owns this one:

sounds really bassy/heavy, but is quite hard to work with...has a great low end (really cool live and at rehearsal), but its difficult to get an agressive slightly distorted "gnarl". needs a lot more producation to sound great than this ( beginners bass our guitarplayer got for some reason. its easier to work with...dunno why the bassplayer got that lame sounding bass tbh^^ least it looks cool.
hearing this i can say, the thormann samples sound really accurate to the actual sound, i can compare, i recordet with both basses, and it seems as if this samples were simply the DI' least i think so.

anyway, ahjteam, i'd go with the HB-J-Bass...sounds best to me
Thats what I bought. I went from a CHEAP Dean bass to a 4 string Sterling. Much "fuller" sound. It cost a lot, Id be curious to hear a decent mid range Ibanez SR bass with active pickups to hear how it competes against the expensive musicman. I like my bass, but I often wonder if it was worth 1k vs say a 500$ bass.

Either way though, look for a used Musicman if your in the market! The wood/pickups/tuners/neck and frets make up the extra $$$. Not to mention the fit and finish. No comparison between my Cheap Dean Edge 4 vs the Musicman.

10x the quality, but I wouldnt say 10x the sound....
Id be curious to hear a decent mid range Ibanez SR bass with active pickups

i saw a live band awhile back who's bassist had an sr505

his tone was godly. just...perfect

granted, they played a bunch of reggae, electronic, and poppy sort of stuff, but the tone was amazing regardless
P-basses have more forward mids to them, while J's have a more scooped sounded.
Have been trying out a few basses here in the shop.. :)

Anssi: tried the Tokai AJB/APB models? Pretty good for 300e or so.