I live in PG County MD and am a guitarist. I can play parts of Forests of October, but thats not to say that I couldn't play more if I had a reason too. In any case, its cool that an Opeth fan (let alone a drummer) is in the area.
I'm impressed at the replies I got. I'm located in Arlington VA right by pentagon city. I got a big Roland V Pro set with a double bass pedal. I'm not machine-like fast on the double but I'm getting there. If we jammed at my apartment, we'd have to do it with headphones, but elsewhere I could plug into a monitor or amps if anyone has them. I got the Blackwater Park songs down so far and I can learn the others if I wanted.
btw, I was lucky enough to go to both Jaxx shows and just couldn't get over how Martin L. played everything so well, just as you hear on the CD without mixing and recording tricks a lot of guys use in the studio.
email me at sayntsan@aol.com if you want and put Opeth in the subject so I don't think it's one of those gawdawful Bad Credit? spam emails