Anyone one know who owns the rights to the Rock AM Ring Footage?


Sep 22, 2004
Suffolk, UK
The Rock AM Ring footage (or what little there is) kicks ass.

Does anybody know;

a. Who would own the rights to this footage?
b. If their entire set was filmed?

I'm guessing that Opeth's contract for this gig must have had a clause in it that gave their consent to be filmed and that the footage is probably owned by the festival organisers. If anyone can set me straight on that, it would be much appreciated. It would be a revelation to see the full set in this quality.

Dream Theater are very pro-active in putting out their own bootleg DVD's/CD's and most of them have been superb. It would be nice to see Opeth do the same if they had any rights over this kind of footage.


I have to say that those 2 songs that the broadcast was Top Stuff. I would just love to have seen the footage of Deliverance.