Anyone play violin/viola/cello?


Alas, Tyranny
Nov 15, 2006
Athens, GA
I've got a violin/viola/cello part on my new CD that really requires a live human player.

If you're interested in giving it a shot, please PM me on here or contact me on Myspace.

Here's the melody and sheet music for those interested:



Just for future reference, those A#s should be written as Bb because you are in Dm which has flattened 6ths (Bb instead of B natural) not sharpened 5ths (which would be A#)

not meaning to be a music theory arse, but it's just what people expect when they try and read the music.
well i can play violin and viola, and my brother can play double bass. I'll throw some mics up and do a quick test so you can see if you think the playing is good enough. If you think it is then i'll set up properly with some neumann LDCs and maybe a C1000 on the violin and send you some decent takes to use.
Real room verb? or do you want it as dry as you can get?
There's a church nearby i could use if you want it reaaall spacey
well i can play violin and viola, and my brother can play double bass. I'll throw some mics up and do a quick test so you can see if you think the playing is good enough. If you think it is then i'll set up properly with some neumann LDCs and maybe a C1000 on the violin and send you some decent takes to use.
Real room verb? or do you want it as dry as you can get?
There's a church nearby i could use if you want it reaaall spacey

That would be amazing dude! :worship:

I would prefer viola over violin ( something about the character of a viola really appeals to me for this part ), so if you want to do that that'd be excellent. Thanks!

but the clips are right yeah?

Yes, the clips are exactly what they're supposed to be.

EDIT: I just want one of the instruments, not all three. Sorry for any misunderstanding...
just uploading a test now


Apologies for the crap sound quality and background buzz. I used my inbuilt laptop microphone but i've done my best to eq it to sound ok. I put a bit of cheezy concert hall on it too :p

If you like it i'll do it properly tomorrow probably. I'll try the viola then too, although the viola i'd be playing isn't that great and i'm a violin player really
Haaaa I just posted something in the "rate my mix" forum with real strings. My sister can play the violine very good. Unfortunately she lives not more in the near of my city. But she sometimes visit me at home. I could also ask her for possible collaborations.
just uploading a test now


Apologies for the crap sound quality and background buzz. I used my inbuilt laptop microphone but i've done my best to eq it to sound ok. I put a bit of cheezy concert hall on it too :p

If you like it i'll do it properly tomorrow probably. I'll try the viola then too, although the viola i'd be playing isn't that great and i'm a violin player really

The violin sounds very good! :D It's a little slow and there are a few intonation issues but other than that, it sounds great.
The violin sounds very good! :D It's a little slow and there are a few intonation issues but other than that, it sounds great.

Thanks :)
Just so i know how to play it when i do it properly, what context is this in? is it just a solo violin or is there anything else going on that it's gotta be in time with?
About the intonation, i'm a little rusty atm but i'll try my best. You might end up getting sent take #231 :erk:

When do you need this by?
Time is not really a constraint. I have a lot of work to do before the album is ready.

I do have a Guitar Pro file I can send you that has the part in context with the rest of the instruments, if you'd like it. The first repeat of the melody is going to be faded in, with the guitar/drums fading out. Second repeat is solo, as is the third one.
Time is not really a constraint. I have a lot of work to do before the album is ready.

I do have a Guitar Pro file I can send you that has the part in context with the rest of the instruments, if you'd like it. The first repeat of the melody is going to be faded in, with the guitar/drums fading out. Second repeat is solo, as is the third one.

ah right so it's the ending to a track. so the first repeat has got to be dead on 240bpm but the rest can be a little more expressive with the timing? am i right?