Anyone pumped for the new Star Trek movie?


^^ Why-Lee^^
Sep 19, 2007
Im goin to see one of the first showings of it this friday , i literally cannot wait i farking love the old star trek films and the old shows (next generation,deep space 9 etc..)

Anyone else looking forward to seeing it? Imo the preview looked fucking immense :headbang:

I saw an advert for it on the telly last night, I was confused when it said "Star Trek" at the end, the preview looked totally different from any Star Trek stuff I've seen.
Sorry, but there is no escaping it:

I really really REALLY dislike everything associated with Star Trek, but I have to admit
This film looks fucking tits.
Well I've never been a fan of comic books or any American-type superheroes, so it's NERD WAR TIME!!! :D
i'm an old trekkie - but will definitely see this new flim.

i'm absolutely hungry for ANYTHING good sci-fi wise.

hasn't been too much lately that's got me excited. :rolleyes: if anybody's seen anything good lately - please let me know!!
Harumph - there's poking-fun, and then there's mean...

Ya know, I will be sad if there are no huge meetings about intergalactic peace or something of the sort. If it really is an action-packed Die Hard kinda move through and through, it'll be (another) sad day in the Trekkie-verse.
Seriously, no argument here - still, at least it'll be an all-new cast doing it, rather than the abomination that was "Nemesis"! :ill: