Anyone pumped for the new Star Trek movie?


Start trek is a different thing to me, not this kind of action movie.
Look at the other stuff with both the classic line up and the generation lineup, different stuff.
This is just to appeal the youngsters, I never seen women getting almost naked on star trek, now you'll see it lol.
This should be sci fi film, not a fast and furious film in future time.
Looking forward to it... but no expectations....

I find if you build a film up too much in your mind before you actually see it, you'll be sadly disappointed.
As a total Trekkie nerd, I'm expecting this movie to be horrible. But I'm going to try to be objective and view the film on its own merits, JJ Abrams is a great director and I'm sure it will at least have some cool visuals.
As a total Trekkie nerd, I'm expecting this movie to be horrible. But I'm going to try to be objective and view the film on its own merits, JJ Abrams is a great director and I'm sure it will at least have some cool visuals.

I deffinately agree about Abrams, but ive allways felt that the star trek movies were allways pretty cool...I guess i am thinking it'll be awesome, haha i am pumped as hell to see it hehe roll on friday night :Smokedev:

"Uhura, I've been transferred and I'll be moving to engineering for a while."
"I'm not Uhura."

"Captain, the Federation is acting like judge, jury and executioner!"
"No, no! They're not Judge Judy and executioner!"

"Why is that Klingon wearing baggy clothing? Has he got something to hide?"
"Maybe he's fuck-ugly."
"I mean why the hair over his face?"
" 'Cause he's fuck-ugly."

"Vulcan Love Slave or Wolf 359 pt. II?"
"Whichever you'd think I'd like?"
"No, I mean which one do you want to watch first?"
i've seen it tonight. by accident really, i was not planning to really go to see it.
i am no fan of the series or the previous movies. i am a star trek noob really.
but i really enjoyed the entertainment. really impressive.
to be honest, can't stand star trek! or star wars for that matter. not that i hate it per se, or "trekkies" or whatever, i just cannot make it through most fantasy/sci-fi films. i made it 5 minutes into lord of the rings before i fell asleep cold, best 3+ hour nap in the theater i ever had. they need more humor, more hot snatch, and more guitars. then i'd watch surely. but Simon Pegg is in it? that guy IS funny as shit, might be worth seeing if he brings the lulz.
i've seen it tonight. by accident really, i was not planning to really go to see it.
i am no fan of the series or the previous movies. i am a star trek noob really.
but i really enjoyed the entertainment. really impressive.

See, that's exactly why Trekkies might hate this. It's not intended to entertain regular folk! :lol:

And someone has to do this:

Star Trek > Star Wars

Sorry, but there is no escaping it:


I must be a nerd: I was totally blown away by this film! It turned out to be amazing!
Ok, saw this tonight, and as I expected, I was disappointed. HOWEVER, I'm happy to say that I really dug the characters and setting; I thought the look of the movie (ships, technology, etc.) was the absolute perfect balance between when it's supposed to take place in the Star Trek lore and the fact that it was made in 2009 (for an example of a prequel that did the exact OPPOSITE, see Star Wars Episodes I-III, where the technology looked so retardedly beyond anything from Episodes IV-VI, like the SFX guys were a bunch of immature overexcited nerds with no sense of restraint :rolleyes: ).

Also, I really dug the characters, and being the MASSIVE trekkie that I am, I picked up on the fuckload of references to things that shaped them (e.g. Kirk reprogramming the Kobayashi Maru as mentioned in STII, Spock quoting Holmes with the "if you eliminate all other options, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth" like in STVI), as well as things like Starfleet Academy being in SF as it should be and looking very similar to how it was depicted in the shows ("Next Generation" especially) - you can tell the creators really did their homework.

So the foundation for a good movie was established - and completely fucking wasted IMO. To me, it seems like the ratio of action to anything else was like 2:1, maybe 3:1; I was loving it up until Vulcan was swallowed up, and then there was a bit of dialogue, then yet another action sequence (Kirk getting chased by the monster things on the planet), then dialogue, then more action; I felt like so much of the movie was substanceless, and the absolute bare minimum of exposition was given to establish the villain ("I time traveled, my world was destroyed, I blame Spock, now he pays" about sums it up, and that's not too abbreviated) and settings, and the rest on endlessly drawn out fighting and battle sequences.

I hesitate to go much further for fear of being written off as being like one of those people in that "Onion" parody, but honestly, it's not just because it's Star Trek that I feel this way; if anything, I think they did the Star Trek bit justice with all the nerd references that I caught on to - they just failed at making a good movie in general IMO. Oh well, there's such a fucking volume of awesome ST stuff from years past I'm not too bummed!
And also, I would've been happy to accept it as a non-canonical franchise reboot like Batman Begins or something, but the fact that they included the old Spock just felt really awkward, like they couldn't tell whether it was supposed to be a reboot or a genuine prequel. Sure, they explained it as the time travel altering the timeline, but also, I am just so fucking sick of time travel as a plot device, and it felt so shoehorned into this, with no one questioning it or making any mention beyond a passing "wait, really?" comment - it's done, no more!
Dude, if you hate time travel stories, then you need to go back to the day you first discovered Star Trek and tell yourself to give it a miss altogether. Just don't kill your grandfather by accident.
Well some time travel stories work alright (e.g. First Contact, AKA perfection in movie form IMO), it's just this particular variety felt so gimmicky and forced. But yes, I'm well aware ST has used it on more than a few occasions :lol:
The potential for a time travel / alternate timeline story* to break out at any given moment is a big part of why I love the Trek tv serieses. As I was leaving the new movie, I was only disappointed that the reboot had blown its time travel wad so early, so now they wouldn't dare do another time travel movie for, like, 10 years. You, on the other hand, might take comfort in that. :)

* [The "Yesterday's Enterprise" episode of TNG comes to mind.]