Anyone remember Lee Aaron?

I remember her. Not bad...ok...this is her these days...sorta pop jazz.

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Not too impressed by her...apparently I was the only one?
Isn't she singing Christian music these days?
Maybe she'll catch on in that genre?

Christian music? That's indeed ironic since yes, I remember Lee Aaron, but not as a metal singer, but from a nude pictorial in an adult mag from the very early 80's called "Oui".
Christian music? That's indeed ironic since yes, I remember Lee Aaron, but not as a metal singer, but from a nude pictorial in an adult mag from the very early 80's called "Oui".

Damn, I always thought she was a hottie back then and never was able to check out these pics from "Oui"...:Smokedev:
I´m not the biggest Lee Aaron fan but I like any albums.

Her most "metal" stuff has some OK songs but it isn´t too impressive.

I prefer when she jumped on the hard/aor wagon with "Lee Aaron", "Body rock" and "Some girls do"

And yes, back in the day, she was a hottie :devil:

Christian music? That's indeed ironic since yes, I remember Lee Aaron, but not as a metal singer, but from a nude pictorial in an adult mag from the very early 80's called "Oui".

You mean these? :devil:


TMI Ryan, TMI!

Ah, come on, buddy. It's not like her snatch is on display! Very artistic IMO.

Yes, TSO, I meant those. I actually HAD that issue of OUI magazine back in the day, which I had stolen from my uncle. Ah, the memories...

A buddy of mine had that back in the day. He wouldn't let me borrow the magazine though, fearing I would return it with the pages stuck together (probably a good call on his part!). I found them online about 6-7 years ago and kept them safely tucked away eeeeever sinnnnnce. Dang, my keyboard is sticking.... :devil:
Well, I guess her new jazzy stuff is far superior to what she did as a "Metal Queen". Lee looked damn hot and that was 80% of the act. The music wasn't thát interesting. Although a reunion for a KIT show or so would be great !!