Anyone remember the Pandoras?

Danny rctv

Girl Band Geek!
May 22, 2002
San Francisco
I was way into this Trashy all girl band from L.A. I first heard about them when I saw their video to the somg "Run Down Love Battery" on MTV's "Headbangers Ball." I wasn't too impressed but then I saw 'em live & became a fan,not to mention their lead singer/guitarist Paula Pierce was a friggin' blonde bombshell of a babe!!
They were one of the few all girl bands I know of to be blatantly flaunting their sexuality to the hilt!Most all girl bands even though there me be hot looking girls in the band(like Phantom Blue!!) wanted to be taken seriously as musicians first & really wanted to downplay the sex part.
But the Pandoras were blatant about it in their lyrics & on stage.Songs like "6 times a day" and the title of the album "Live Nymphomania".The first time I saw them live,The first thing Paula said to the crowd was "I have this throbbing Pain between my legs & need someone to take care of it!"YIKES!

The strange thing is I discoverd The Pandoras had been around since 1984 & were a completely different band.Their first 2 albums were total 60's style garage punk & they looked more like the Bangles than the babes in tight leather & loud guitars they reinvented themselves as.
unfortunantly the best most rockin' tunes they were playing never got recorded.If anyone has any live videos or bootlegs of the Pandoras circa 1990 send 'em my way!!
Kim Shattuck the Bassist & Melanie the keyboardist both quitthe band,switched to guitar & formed the Muffs wich is more pop/punk. They hated the metal era Pandoras but dig the early 60's garage stuff they were doing.Melanie got booted & last I heard, plays for the Leaving Trains with Courtney Love's infamous first husband Falling James Morling. But Kim still has the The Muffs going.You can check out their site at
Tragicly Paula Pierce died of an anurism while either jogging or working out in a gym back in '92.Rumor had it speed was involved.
The Pandoras original bassist has a website but it only covers the early stuff before they went hard rock.I'm sending her all my VHS bootlegs I have of the Pandoras spanning their entire career so hopefully you'll see that stuff on there.
Danny rctv said:
....The first thing Paula said to the cowd was "I have this throbbing Pain between my legs & need someone to take care of it!"YIKES!

So, did you help her?? :blush: I remember them, but I never saw them perform. Danny, the metal historian! :notworthy