Anyone see my dolly (nightwish set)


New Metal Member
Sep 2, 2003
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OK, I stand in a queue for about an hour waiting for a Nightwish signing after buying Tarja a Princess Sprinkle doll (£7"!OK, I stand in a queue for about an hour waiting for a Nightwish signing after buying Tarja a Princess Sprinkle doll which cost £7 from Marks and Spencers. Yeah, you may have saw me (smelly guy with shoulderish length hair wearing a Macabre shirt) When I get to the front of the queue to find out they aren't signing any more!! :yell:

So I have a few drinks with a Princess Sprinkle doll clenched firmly in my fist and come up with the idea of handing it to her after Nightwish have finished their set.
But nooooooo, Ben didn't take into account that quite a few people wanted to see Nightwish that night and found himself about 6 rows back!! So I end up just flinging it over the heads of loads of excited people and hope that it reaches the stage and catches Tarja's eye (not hit her eye and cause Nightwish to stop playing and make lot's of Nightwish fans and Moomins angry because they come from Finland too you know)

This is where you come in......Did it hit Tarja in the eye? Did it even reach the stage? Any information is valuable. I will not disclose your name although the people may see it when you post a reply :|


Name - Princess Sprinkle
Sex - Female
Height - Small
Age - Looks about 29 but could be under a "youthful look spell" by an evil witch
Last seen - Apparently in the hands of the Nightwish guy who was smoking. She was wearing her favourite purple sparkley dress, but this is unconfirmed and I could have even made it up with help from a few intoxicants :Spin:

......And remember, Don't have nightmares! :tickled:
Snarf said:
OK, I stand in a queue for about an hour waiting for a Nightwish signing after buying Tarja a Princess Sprinkle doll (£7"!OK, I stand in a queue for about an hour waiting for a Nightwish signing after buying Tarja a Princess Sprinkle doll which cost £7 from Marks and Spencers. Yeah, you may have saw me (smelly guy with shoulderish length hair wearing a Macabre shirt) When I get to the front of the queue to find out they aren't signing any more!! :yell:

So I have a few drinks with a Princess Sprinkle doll clenched firmly in my fist and come up with the idea of handing it to her after Nightwish have finished their set.
But nooooooo, Ben didn't take into account that quite a few people wanted to see Nightwish that night and found himself about 6 rows back!! So I end up just flinging it over the heads of loads of excited people and hope that it reaches the stage and catches Tarja's eye (not hit her eye and cause Nightwish to stop playing and make lot's of Nightwish fans and Moomins angry because they come from Finland too you know)

This is where you come in......Did it hit Tarja in the eye? Did it even reach the stage? Any information is valuable. I will not disclose your name although the people may see it when you post a reply :|


Name - Princess Sprinkle
Sex - Female
Height - Small
Age - Looks about 29 but could be under a "youthful look spell" by an evil witch
Last seen - Apparently in the hands of the Nightwish guy who was smoking. She was wearing her favourite purple sparkley dress, but this is unconfirmed and I could have even made it up with help from a few intoxicants :Spin:

......And remember, Don't have nightmares! :tickled:

I was in the balcony at Stage left, I did see some missiles being thrown onto the stage, one was a couple of roses the other may well have been your doll.
From what I remember it hit the monitor head first knocking her unconscious. It lay on it's back for some time, i think the injuries to it proved fatal. Sorry to be the one to break the news to you!
Your doll did reach the stage (no eye hittage either), it sat there for a while in the wires aroudn the front speakers then Emppu sat it on one of the back speakers and I think they took it with them when they left the stage.
Drazgal said:
Your doll did reach the stage (no eye hittage either), it sat there for a while in the wires aroudn the front speakers then Emppu sat it on one of the back speakers and I think they took it with them when they left the stage.

Reached the stage without any eye hittage!!!! Phewwwww *wipes sweat from brow* :D

You think they took it with them? This could be better than I expected!! Keep the reports coming in!

Oh yeah, sorry for repeating the same line twice on the original post but given the circumstances I think I did pretty well :p
The G man said:
I was in the balcony at Stage left, I did see some missiles being thrown onto the stage, one was a couple of roses the other may well have been your doll.
From what I remember it hit the monitor head first knocking her unconscious. It lay on it's back for some time, i think the injuries to it proved fatal. Sorry to be the one to break the news to you!

If this turns out to be a hoax then you are a very sick minded individual!
Check the Nightwish pictures section of their site in the future, they are bound to put pictures up of anything that bizzare if they found her, they are funny like that. They may even be holding her for ransom, or maybe she will duet with Tarja? I'm not sure. I was on the balcony though and last I saw of her (I think) was landing somewhere near Emppus' feet, she was gone by the end of the show.
i was on the balcony and remember, rather vividly odd;y enough, seeing it hit the monitor and then towards the end of the set, in the encore i think, Emppu picked it up and sat it on his amp them took it as they left the stage so your princess is in fine hands, small and dwarfish hands but overall god good hands...