Nightwish UK Fanclub


Child of Morpheus
Dec 15, 2002
Huddersfield, UK
Greetings all!

I hope Vince doesn't mind me quite blatantly spamming these boards, but seeing as you posted on ours I figured you might not mind me posting this here!

Recently, myself and a few friends gave birth to the idea of an (official) Nightwish UK fanclub. Fanclubs already exist in France and Holland (with 270 members between them) and there is currently a USA one in planning. We are at present hoping to follow the same principles as these in setting up a UK club, which we hope will eventually be authorised by the band and label as being 'official'.

So, what do we plan to offer? Well, we are still very much in the planning stages right now, but what I personally hope the club will offer will be:

An informative website with good quality, original content, forums and an e-mail newsletter. This will be accessable to everyone.

Also, we will hopefully offer a paid for membership (at cost price, we do not wish to make a profit). This will offer:

Membership card/laminate
Club fanzine/newsletter (most likely quarterly)
Club merchandise/t-shirt
Members area of the website
Social events
Possible chances to meet the band when they next visit the UK.

If this sounds of interest to you, then we really need your support! We have just sent up a temporary forum to discuss the planning of this at Come along and register and share your views, and let us know what skills you have to offer. At present we are really looking for people with competent web design skills, so if that's you PLEASE join us!

Thanks for taking the time to read this, and we all look forward to seeing you on our forum very soon!


Nightwish UK Fanclub
I would be extremely interested in joining, most likely as a paid member. I don't have many skills you would need, but I can write articles of some kind should you get desperate, I'm good at English. I love the sound of an official fan club to get my teeth into, saw the american one starting up on the Nightwish board and it seemed pretty exciting! I wish you much luck in it, I will try and get myself over to those forums soon but I'm pretty bad at getting into message boards.

Yahoo! \m/
Come on over, there's a small, but decent bunch of people there now who will make you more than welcome!

It's going to be a slow and hard process I feel to get everything together and begin running at full steam, but the more support we can get at this early stage, the better.