Anyone seen "Vulgar"


Twisted View Askew indie. One of those where you don't know whether to file under "piece of art," or "piece of shit." But I like indies that leave me feeling morose and wondering why I gave Hollywood or Blockbuster or (plug, plug) my 4 bucks.
This film is kinda like a gen x, sundance, urban, Deliverance. That is the best way I can put it. It has elements of Suburbia and Henry Fool if you are familiar w/ those Parker Posey flix. Throw in the sicko male rapists from Deliverance and you've got the film. A clown going nowhere really fast (Dante from Clerks whatever his real name is) and his loser buddy, well, you see where this is going. Worth watching, yes. Worth owning, prolly not. Kevin Smith fans will want it though. Kevin is in it, and produced it. "Jay" (once again, I'm not sure of his actual name) is in it as well. Plus, one of the "bonuses" is a Dogma documentary. This film is kind of disturbing (and it takes a lot to disturb me) so be warned. I know many of you are Kevin Smith fans, so I decided to pass the word along.
I wanna see it. And his name is Jason Mewes, just for future reference. And as long as one of the rapists doesn't say "squeal like a piggy," it shouldn't be that weird.
I saw this opening night in NYC. I was fortunate enough to meet the cast and crew as well as many on those who work for view askew. All of them where class acts, very friendly and more then willing to chat with fans. Brian O'hallarin ( Dante, Vulgar the clown) was there with his parents that night. I believe that may have been the first time they witnessed there son being rapped in the ass. That scene was really disturbing.:devil:
I've wanted to see it for a while but I haven't been able to find anyplace that rents the uncensored version and I can't buy it without seeing it.