Anyone use an SPD-S(X)?


Holy Crap! Lions!
Jul 13, 2010
Plymouth, UK
We just got one (right in the nick of time as we're playing tomorrow) and we're trying to get to grips with it. Samples are loaded fine, but we're hitting an issue with triggering - sometimes the kick or snare cuts out when blasting. Has anyone else come across this problem? Any idea on how to fix it or what it could be?
Wish I could help. We have the original SPD-S and so far we couldn't get it to trigger kicks at all. Sample loaded, put on pad/patch, little red light indicates that it's hearing the hit but the unit wasn't spitting out the sample. Probably just something stupid. Also - recently learned that every patch you create automatically sets "Ambience" on. May want to make sure that's turned off.
Wish I could help. We have the original SPD-S and so far we couldn't get it to trigger kicks at all. Sample loaded, put on pad/patch, little red light indicates that it's hearing the hit but the unit wasn't spitting out the sample. Probably just something stupid. Also - recently learned that every patch you create automatically sets "Ambience" on. May want to make sure that's turned off.

Are you sure your samples are compatible?
Should be. Any .WAV file should be able to get triggered, right?

I've never personally read the manual. I leave that up to the other faggots. I'm not a big fan of using samples/backing shit anyway. (Which is our main reason for having one)
You probably didn't assign a wave to the pad. Hcl have you changed the option that cancels the last triggered sample every time another sample is triggered.
You probably didn't assign a wave to the pad. Hcl have you changed the option that cancels the last triggered sample every time another sample is triggered.

As far as I know we turned that off for everything, cheers though I'll have another look.

Should be. Any .WAV file should be able to get triggered, right?

They have to be 16bit/44.1, and there are some other details on compatibility with compressed samples. Not sure about the SPD-S but I'd imagine the same principles apply.
Hmm. We didn't load an actual kick sample onto it yet. We used one of the samples we already had loaded, some synth thing which we know works on a regular pad.

I'll have to look at the manual myself. It's not exactly my unit, so I usually just leave it alone.

Do you have to load a sample to an actual pad or just assign the sample to Trig 1 or 2?
You probably didn't assign a wave to the pad. Hcl have you changed the option that cancels the last triggered sample every time another sample is triggered.

yup, when it randomly cuts out shit it's most probably because of what amarshism wrote. the spd-s has a 8-voice polyphony, and you can eat that up when doing really fast double bass work.