Anyone use LittleLabs RedEye?

Matt Smith

Jun 11, 2004
Athens, GA
I just picked one up for reamping, and I'm not sure if I need to pick up a separate DI box to split the signal, or if the RedEye will do it all. What I mean is, I need to record the amp and a DI at the same time (the DI for potential reamping later). Do I need a seperate splitter, or can I use the RedEye for this purpose in addition to reamping? I believe both outputs on the back are mic level/balanced, so maybe not.
Sorry for the dumb questions, but I've never done this before and don't want to blow up an amp or get stuck with a DI track that's 18db quieter than it needs to be or whatever.

The RedEye's specifications are here:

If I do need a separate splitter, recommend me a good one.

though looking at it, the unbalanced out is probably the re amp out on the front. So instrument in, balanced DI out of XLR to line/mic in of DAW and unbalanced out of reamp out on the front to your amp, Should work, I've never used this box so...
I actually emailed them about this a month or so back and he replied (sort of cryptically) that there was a "thru" on the back. What I took that to mean was that since the guit input on the front and on the back are parrallel you can use it as such. He also said the "reamp out" only works in reamp mode. That said I haven't bought one so I can't say I've tried it. I'll try to dig up the email and PM it to you....or you could just email them yourself as the write back very quickly. Let me know what works.
OK, I tried it, and the DI track was so quiet it was almost inaudible. The balanced XLR output of the RedEye is mic level, so (according to the manufacturer) it's like 18db quieter than the front panel's line input. The reamp worked, but the amp had almost no gain because the DI signal was so low. I had the channel of the soundcard that was recording the DI (from the XLR output on the RedEye) set to +4; should I set it to -10 since I guess the DI is technically a line-level signal (I left it at +4 since it was fed by the RedEye's balanced XLR output, but even when I toggled +10 to listen, it was still way quiet)?

yeah if your using a passive DI you have to use a mic pre b/c the out is mic level. Set the gain just like you would for a mic and get a good level to tape.
Did you figure out the thru?
I use the redeye all the time. It's nothing confusing about it. You just plugin at the input jack and connect the thru jack on the back to your amp and then the balanced mic to a pre and then begin recording. Later when you reamp just put it in "reamp" mode, insert the track you want to reamp to the "line in" balanced XLR on the back and then connect the "reamp" jack on the front to your amp!

haha, like hello??!! is it possible to even screw this up to the extent that you need to email the manufacturer about it? It's kindergarden electronics damit!! :loco: :worship: :rock: :worship:
Settle down Plec. I don't own one but if you look at the pictures onthe site there are "instrument input" jacks on the front and back but nothing labeled "thru."
And I suppose Matt is just accustomed to working with line level outs. There is no shame not automatically knowing how to use something new.
Yes i´ve been enjoying it. It works great for me since i had no d.i. box OR a reamp box OR a signal splitter ! So it is 3 in 1.
Well.... you are ALL right about the red eye: At first, it is hard to understand the specs. I also e-mailed little labs about the red eye. The thing is that the red eye photos on the offical website are out-dated just like egan mentioned: nowadays it has a "thru" output that the photos do not show. Plec is also right: i use it just like he said. Yes egan, one must use a mic pre and set the correct level.

Well i´ve been using it for like 1 .. Plec and Andy and you reamping throughout the world , the thing is: I record the clean signal pretty high , always avoiding clipping. obviously, when recorded, the signal is lower than the signal of a guitar directly connected to the amp. So when re-amping i get less gain... I guess it happens the same with you...i hope..So my doubt is: Is raising the clean signal track to the desired level and to a louder one an OVERDRIVE process worth doing ?
Thanks everyone. Yeah, it's not that it's complicated, I just wasn't aware that I needed to run into a pre and boost the level. But now it makes sense. And I use a Great River 2NV, so the DIs on that should work pretty killer for this purpose.