Anyone use the New BX8a's or MR8's?

Well simply in principal, the fact that the MR modles are billed as Mackie's "affordable" line, and that it has some sort of built in room correction (probably pretty crappy), I tend to think it's trying to make up for sub-par performance with bells and whistles, so I'd say BX8a's between the two (though I plan on getting Yamaha MSP5's, cuz though they have a smaller speaker and less power, they seem to be more about quality instead of quantity of power)
i have compared the bx8a with yamaha hs80 and rockit 8`s. the hs80 was the winner for me as i found the bx8a to have a muddy midrange in comparison.
that is my opinion, but many here will disagree ( most people here swear by them) its ultimately up to your ears and what sounds best to you bro.

the bx8a is not a bad bang for the buck if you can find them used but I recommend saving a little more for something better :goggly:
!!!!!!search the forum for bx8a!!!!!!!
With those BX8a deluxe, they aren't out yet, not that I've seen as a retailer.

At NAMM my boss spoke with a couple of the M-Audio guys, 1 said they were twice as good as the current, grey BX speakers. Another guy said they were the same in a nicer box.
who knows, if the company doesn't even know.