Anyone using a telecaster for teh br00tz??


Sep 7, 2008
London, UK
Anyone using a telecaster for metal/hard-rock ??

For the longest time, I've wanted one of these:


But they don't do them left handed. So... I've been thinking about getting a Squier Classic Vibe 50's tele, and putting Seymour Duncan Hot Rails in it. Ala

Alternatively, I could buy this:

And do the same thing. But I have heard that the CV tele's are meant to be really good, and all the reviews are generally really positive.

Anyone have any thoughts on that?

*being a lefty sucks*
Have you used the Hot Rails before? I remember feeling it was very noisy and kinda "dirty" sounding, like most super hi-out passives I've used (the Dimarzio X2N + Dimebucker come to mind) . I'm sure you could find a left-handed bridge plate with a cutout for a full-sized hummer
Nah I've never used the Hot Rails before. It's more about not wanting to cut a big chunk of wood out to allow room for the humbucker. I guess it would be fine... ahhh... I dunno.
The lil 59 is awesome if you're going single coil sized humbuckers...Bareknuckles has a Tele set that is just awesome and sounds exactly like a humbucker (well..sort of).

A buddy has this Tele Deluxe from the pic above and it doesnt work for metal. Great rock guitar tho'.
My brother owns a CV and plays quite a lot of metal with it, it sounds different from other metal-oriented axes but still great ! Really agressive, tight, you just need to push the gain a bit more than with humbuckers, but to me Telecaster CAN play teh br00tz ! :kickass:
A Strat or Tele can do heavier stuff perfectly fine. Just like any guitar, it's got a lot to do with the pickups. I can't speak for the Tele body routing, but every single Strat I have ever owned or worked on had the body routed from the factory to where it could accept a humbucker in the bridge position. Usually the middle and neck positions are only large enough for a single coil, though. Sometimes they are routed for hum in the neck as well, but I believe that's only if it's a double hum model from the factory to begin with.
A Strat or Tele can do heavier stuff perfectly fine. Just like any guitar, it's got a lot to do with the pickups. I can't speak for the Tele body routing, but every single Strat I have ever owned or worked on had the body routed from the factory to where it could accept a humbucker in the bridge position. Usually the middle and neck positions are only large enough for a single coil, though. Sometimes they are routed for hum in the neck as well, but I believe that's only if it's a double hum model from the factory to begin with.

I've actually owned this 72 deluxe. It doesn't have enough highs stock so I did the mod that everyone seems to do to these guitars: change the pots to 500k pots. After that it sounded amazing. Well... this guitars not at all Fender sounding so I wouldn't even call it a tele. :) Here's me playing a Tokai tele... I look like I'm 15 in that video. :D All I can say is that it's twice as hard to shred on these guitars. :D That solo took me a few takes although it's nothing special. You deffo need a tubescreamer to make single coil go brootz.

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I've actually owned this 72 deluxe. It doesn't have enough highs stock so I did the mod that everyone seems to do to these guitars: change the pots to 500k pots. After that it sounded amazing. Well... this guitars not at all Fender sounding so I wouldn't even call it a tele. :) Here's me playing a Tokai tele... I look like I'm 15 in that video. :D All I can say is that it's twice as hard to shred on these guitars. :D That solo took me a few takes although it's nothing special. You deffo need a tubescreamer to make single coil go brootz.

Seems to be perfect for pop-punk and stuff. Me likey.

Back to the "tele doing brootz" OP, Jon Levasseur from Cryptopsy plays on a Stratocaster (not a Tele alright but still).

Jim Root (Slipknot/Stone Sour) plays on a tele. And i remember this one stoner/groove metal band from my hometown with the guitar player using a tele, it sounded dirty and brutal, but different than your regular metal tone.
I'm considering getting a Tele someday, as much for clean tones than for twang and for heavy tones.
Like everyone else has said, it's pretty dependent on the pickups. I mean Jim Root (slipknot) uses a tele with emg's. Aaron Turner from ISIS has a tele deluxe with humbuckers, and Gojira uses them on occasion. If your fingers are brutal and your pickups are brutal, there's no reason a tele can't be brutal...
If your fingers are brutal and your pickups are brutal, there's no reason a tele can't be brutal...

Perfect. I wish more heavy players understood this. Learn how to MAKE your guitar sound heavy with your own hands, don't expect the gear or the engineer to do it for you.

A Tele has its own sound, and can easily sound brutal in the right hands.
I LOVE singlecoils and soapbars (I know, I know, they're single coils, too) for heavier music. Sure, they're noisy, but once you get past that, they have an attack and aggressive nature that humbuckers just can't replicate.