Anyone using a telecaster for teh br00tz??

Never heard of Fame guitars- and the model is called the Forum? It's perfect for a Sneapster :D. Seriously though, it looks great!

They're made by Mayones, for Musicstore in Germany. I don't strictly know what the difference is between the Fame Forum IV and the higher end Mayones guitars - I guess they use less quality woods and don't use abalone bindings and such 'visual' things. But apparently they sound great. So I thought I'd take a punt.

Allegedly they're handmade - don't know how true that is. But Mayones make nice guitars. So it'll be interesting to see what it is like.

Got the Fender Telecaster Special Edition FMT today, which is like a mix of a Les Paul (mahogany body, P90-like pup in humbucker mode) and a Telecaster (Tele shape, twangy tone in the single coil mode).

Been G.A.Sing like crazy for this one in the past few weeks, and finally bought one second-hand (in very good condition) today, been playing for 5 hours on it and loving it already !

Some samples :

humbucker mode (bridge pup) :

single coil mode (bridge pup) :

single coil mode, volume halfway, split (bridge+neck), post-fx (flanger+delay) :

Signal chain : Guitar -> Engl SE 6L6 -> Two Notes Torpedo VB-101 (Engl 412V30 cab, close-miked (and pretty centered) with a Blue Dragonfly Condenser, slight post-EQ/LP/HP.)

Bought one mostly to play some regular old-school metal/hardcore/punk-rock/hard-rock/rock and even funk/pop/blues stuff.

I love it but the only thing that bugs me is that the humbucker mode in the bridge position sounds fat but not tight enough (quite muddy actually), which sucks for thrash/death metal. Anyone else experiencing the same thing with Les Paul/P90 style guitars ? The "fat but not tight/not defined enough" thing i mean.

I tried my best to fix that with EQ but it seems it's the guitar+pickup that sounds like that, period.
Otherwise i love the guitar.

EDIT : i was in the "it's all in your hands" camp, but in hindsight it's not that simple haha :)
I can't see how i can make this guitar in humbucker mode in the bridge position sound tight/articulate enough for thrash riffing, especially compared to my EMG-81-loaded Schecter Hellraisers which sound tight alright. Maybe that's a string tension (i have a 10-52 set with low action, and it feels like a regular tension (not soft but not too hard either)) + tuning thing (i'm not used to play E standard electric guitars for tight metal) also ... i don't know... .
On the other hand, the single coil sounds very articulate/cutting but a bit nasty for fast palm-muting for instance.
Dude, please stop bumping old threads that you obviously haven't read. If you looked through this page just a tiny bit, you'd see that your copy/paste post that I've read three times today contributes NOTHING to the discussion.
Dude, please stop bumping old threads that you obviously haven't read. If you looked through this page just a tiny bit, you'd see that your copy/paste post that I've read three times today contributes NOTHING to the discussion.

1) this thread title: "Anyone using a telecaster for metal/hard-rock ??"

my post in a few words : "i bought a telecaster which i love except for tight thrash riffing"

How is this non-related/relevant ?

I have read this thread btw (you can see some previous posts of mine, unless you have not read this thread yourself ?).

2) the other thread i bumped : G.A.S thread, last post about a guitar one guy has been GASing on and me too and me posting about finally getting it today.

How is this non-related/non-relevant ?

3) i created a telecaster fmt thread with the same copy/paste post, because i'd like feedback from other users who have the same guitar/pup/issue (or non-issue for that matter), and i guess somebody who wants some info in this guitar (no thread created about it so far) would be interest. That's what thread are about actually.

I guess you are pissed about the thread bumpage but i can't do shit about that. Get over it. As i said everytime somebody gave me shit for thread bumpage, i'd use a "post without bump thread" function if there was one, but there's none.
EDIT : also a little advice for you next time you start reading a post of mine that is a copy/paste from a post of mine you've just read : don't read it.
EDIT 2 : why the copy/pasting ? Cuz' the info i wrote in the first thread is relevant to the other (next) thread. And if i need to remove/add some parts from the pasted post to fit the thread discussion, i do it, as i did in this very thread.
Guy already bought another axe. Moot point.

What about the other guys who are interested in the "can teles do metal ?" topic ? Such as all those who posted in/subscribed to this thread, or those who will find this thread today because it got bumped, or those who will find it through the search function ?

Moot point my ass.
There's nothing wrong in resurrecting threads if you are going deeper into the subject. If djab would've posted a new thread with the same topic he'd be getting the basic asshole-esque "use the search function" comments. Seems like everyone just loves to be an asshole on this forum. :D

On-topic: if it doesn't have single coils it's not a Telecaster. It's not what Fender stands for. Sure it looks like a Fender but it doesn't sound anything like a Telecaster.

I'm making a comparison clip of my Fender Baja Telecaster. I took it to a pro to change Bare Knuckle Piledriver into the bridge position so I can do metal with a single coil. I'll post results during next week so stay tuned.
On-topic: if it doesn't have single coils it's not a Telecaster. It's not what Fender stands for. Sure it looks like a Fender but it doesn't sound anything like a Telecaster.

I'm making a comparison clip of my Fender Baja Telecaster. I took it to a pro to change Bare Knuckle Piledriver into the bridge position so I can do metal with a single coil. I'll post results during next week so stay tuned.

What if the humbucker pup has also a single coil mode via push-pull (which is the case here) ? :)

Curious to hear your results, please post the link for your thread here when it's done.

Also, i checked out the pup's clips on the Seymour Duncan website, and the JB definitely sounds like something i would like : crisp, articulate, tight...

A friend of mine with the same guitar replaced the Pearly Gates with a D-Activator, i guess i have to check this one and all the DiMarzio pups that could fit my needs too.
Sure when a humbucker is being split it's a single coil. I guess the only problem in that would be that not all humbuckers are designed to sound good when split. PRS pickups f.ex. are designed for splitting so they might be a good option. They cost like 100€ a piece on Thomann at least. Great pickups... dare I say it? I wish all guitars had those pickups. :) They just work everytime.

I guess what I'm saying is that if a tele needs humbuckers for it to do metal, it sounds like it can't do metal because you have to change it. Sure every guitar can do metal if you put EMGs in there.

But seems like the Piledriver which is a single coil has more output and fatness to it so it still sounds like a single coil but is capable of metal.... well personally I can get metal with regular single coils too but you'll see that in the comparison I'm making.
Sure when a humbucker is being split it's a single coil. I guess the only problem in that would be that not all humbuckers are designed to sound good when split. PRS pickups f.ex. are designed for splitting so they might be a good option. They cost like 100€ a piece on Thomann at least. Great pickups... dare I say it? I wish all guitars had those pickups. :) They just work everytime.

I guess what I'm saying is that if a tele needs humbuckers for it to do metal, it sounds like it can't do metal because you have to change it. Sure every guitar can do metal if you put EMGs in there.

But seems like the Piledriver which is a single coil has more output and fatness to it so it still sounds like a single coil but is capable of metal.... well personally I can get metal with regular single coils too but you'll see that in the comparison I'm making.

Thanks for the info !

Any particular PRS pup you can point out ?

Looking forward to hear the results of your test btw.
If anyone is curious btw, the Fame guitar went back and I got a refund. Great guitar - sounded lovely, and you can tell they're quality instruments. But I just couldn't bond with it. I'm pretty picky about neck dimensions and scale lengths, and I'm just more of a Les Paul guy I guess.
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Bruce Greig from Covenance/ex-Misery Index/ex-Dying Fetus/Next Step Up plays on a Strat and he pretty much defines the brootz IMO :

(couldn't find a live video footage of good quality sorry)

his strat looks sick btw (can't find any good pictures but you can see it in some videos, especially the misery index dvd)
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