Anyone using Vista?


Aug 13, 2008
Something fucked up on my computer last night and I think its time to finally upgrade from XP. This is a comp I had built for me about two years ago and I have no idea where my Windows Genuine Advantage code is. Since it is suddenly asking me to re-activate and I can't, I either have to spend $130 on a new XP key or $130 on Vista Home Premium. Plus Superior is asking me to reactivate and I only have limited activations on it, etc... :( need to wipe this thing clean and start from scratch I think.

But I hear no end of bad things about Vista and its unreliability, its a resource hog, blah blah blah... my computer's number one use now is for recording - anyone else here using Vista on their recording comp? Any major problems? Should I just fix my XP install?
This is a comp I had built for me about two years ago

I would say wait until you get a new PC to move to Vista, it does use more power to run, but I really liked it. My video card blew up and I took a major performance hit and finally decided to switch back to XP, but when I upgrade, I'm definitely moving to Vista again.
Its still a pretty good computer, its a 3ghz Core 2 Duo and I recently upgraded it to 4gb of RAM. That's one bonus Vista would give me, I could use all of my RAM instead of just 3.1gb I think is what XP is letting me use right now. I checked the drivers for all my gear too and everything is supported.. I'd have to upgrade from Cubase SX3 to Studio 4 though.
I have met an unreal amount of people who made the switch on the same system and then had the privilege of experiencing the NIGHTMARE of cross referencing all their third party software to see what was compatible with the particular version of Vista they had just installed. Not to mention the fact that Vista still can be pretty sketchy with some third party software. Stick with XP (with SP2, if possible) until you get a new computer with Vista pre-installed.
Btw. Cubase SX3 works fine on Vista, it's even more stable than on XP. I dunno about the drivers cuz Vista was already pre-installed on my laptop when I bought it, I can only say that everything I plugged in thru USB worked good. With your computer I'd go for Vista without hesitation.
Btw. Cubase SX3 works fine on Vista, it's even more stable than on XP. I dunno about the drivers cuz Vista was already pre-installed on my laptop when I bought it, I can only say that everything I plugged in thru USB worked good. With your computer I'd go for Vista without hesitation.

I found more stability with it on XP :waah:
Everything looks good.. I'm installing Vista tomorrow. I'll you know how fucked my comp is after :lol:

edit: well that wasn't so bad after all :lol: Vista installs fast
I've only had a few small issues with vista- There's this COM surrogate problem that pops up every single time i open a folder that has AVI's or FLV videos in it. Pretty annoying considering I work with video alot. Not had any hardware compatibility issues with it
Man this is working great for me.. solved my issues with using my wireless card & my Firewire interface at the same time. Not all my plugins are available for 64 bit though :( so I'm running just normal 32 bit cubase for the time being. Hopefully support improves soon.
Just to check - how is Pro Tools with Vista now? I remember I had to downgrade to XP to run Pro Tools again when I had Vista, is it alright now? What about with 64 bit Vista?

Dual boot XP and Vista 64. No issues other than waiting for a driver update for my new Allen & Heath console which shouldn't be too far away. Fireface, etc are rock solid under Vista 64. I like the extra RAM access too.
One problem I have noticed is that my favorite plugins (waves Q equalizer and RComp) don't work in 64 bit Cubase.. any suggestions for good 64 bit native EQs? or even just 64 bit compatible ones.