Anyone wanna help a guy out with deconvolution


Jun 11, 2010
Belfast, N.Ireland
Hey guys just looking for some one to deconvolve two sine sweeps (a left and a right ortf pair to make a stereo reverb) for me i took in a local church sized performance space,

i only have and work on protools, and have no means of deconvolving and i dont want to pay loads of money for the only impulse ill probably ever make, if some one could help me that'd be sweet and i of course want to share the IR with the forum too, (if its any use)

let me know
Im on mac only running protools so i didnt think of voxengo, i suppose i could borrow reaper for five minutes use the voxengo then get rid of them, thats not stealing right? thanks guys
oh right i literally haven't even had time to look at it, i thought it was vst in which case i couldn't use it in protools, but now i see its pc only, shit! i don't have a windows machine or know anyone with one, cant remember the last time i even touched one haha thanks guys
thanks man, if i get back in the room in the next few weeks i'll definatly run it though its not a room i get to record in alot as its classical performance space here in belfast, but sometimes id just love to hear some solos or snare drums though it, is it the winebottler software you are talking about for running win software on mac?