Anyone Wanna Invest in my Pirate Armada?


May 10, 2005
Calais, Maine (not France)
No, its not something gay! I just saw a post titled "Attn: Nerds" on Billy's forum. (I ain't one 'a them, so I didn't post there.)

But I do aim to be the "World's Greatest Criminal Genius," ala Lex Luthor et al.

With that in mind, I saw a TV show a few years back talking about info nerds who wanna safeguard data and proprietary shit from foreign governments by having a single location outside any prosecutable zone.

Hence, Sealand. Some fucked up gunnery platform from WWII that's located outside British territorial waters. I remember a gunner who worked there returned in the 1960s and tried to set up his own country.

Anyway, looks like the nerds (and their evil cronies in the spam and child-porn sectors) are finally moving forward with their plans to use Sealand as a extranational data storage facility, with spammers as their first clients. They will try to get banks and corporations to store their data as well.

Yesssss... Get the banks and corporations to store data there, all while the appropriately-named "Pirate Bay" thumbs its nose at Britain's copyright and data privacy laws:

Swedish file-sharing website The Pirate Bay is planning to buy its own nation in an attempt to circumvent international copyright laws.

The group has set up a campaign to raise money to buy Sealand, a former British naval platform in the North Sea that has been designated a 'micronation', and claims to be outside the jurisdiction of the UK or any other country.

The Pirate Bay says it is the world's largest 'bit torrent tracker', and is a popular way of sharing music, films, software and other copyrighted material online. It has been under the scrutiny of authorities in Sweden and around the world for some time.

The site was briefly closed down after raids by the Swedish police last May. After initially moving to the Netherlands, the site returned to Sweden in June. Swedish authorities have been put under pressure to do more to stop the site. The Motion Picture Association of America, the Swedish Anti-Piracy Bureau and the US government have all lobbied for The Pirate Bay's closure.

According to a website set up to secure the purchase of Sealand, The Pirate Bay plans to give citizenship of the micronation to anyone willing to put money towards the purchase.

"It should be a great place for everybody, with high-speed Internet access, no copyright laws and VIP accounts to The Pirate Bay," the organisation claims on its website Buy Sealand.

Yes! Start with music sharing, and move to data storage!

Then, I shall appear with my armada of borrowed pirates and evil computer hackers. They'll bombard this fuckin outpost with artillery and machine guns, kill the two nerds who inhabit the platform, and proceed to physically remove billions of bank records, corporate documents, and other rich data from this highly vulnerable, unprotected site.

And then I will sell the data to rival corporations and hackers and high-tech criminals the world over.

Sounds like a majour money maker here. And it'll be lots of fun.

SO! Anyone want to invest in my pirate armada? I bet it'll be cheaper than buying part of this fuckin Sealand! I also need computer nerds to work for evil and profit. Send resumes and references if you are a computer nerd, evil, or both.

Do ya get to commit acts of piracy against cruise lines?

If the Queen gives her permission...

The Pirate Bay is a lovely bunch. But seriously it´s a shame most people think they just hosts a bunch of servers where people can download WinXp and Christia Aguileras latest.

I´m not surprised they pulled the stunt about buying that old platform. And I think it´s an interesting way of taking the dabate about copywright laws to a new level. It´s nothing new however, some people started a commercial radiostation on a ship outside Swedish territorial water in the early 60´s.

Oh yeah, I´m a nerd, have a evil streak in me and I´m teaching computer classes (and I´ve downloaded Adobe Photoshop from The Pirate Bay). :heh:
No..., but yer a trained soldier so we'll make a deal.

Help me plunder the fuck out of Sealand and we'll use some of the proceeds to smuggle you aboard the QMII, where you can spread dysentary over the salad bar.

Whadda ya say?


Taking over sealand would be easier than shooting an afghan goat herder, DEAL!
No, its not something gay! I just saw a post titled "Attn: Nerds" on Billy's forum. (I ain't one 'a them, so I didn't post there.)

But I do aim to be the "World's Greatest Criminal Genius," ala Lex Luthor et al.

With that in mind, I saw a TV show a few years back talking about info nerds who wanna safeguard data and proprietary shit from foreign governments by having a single location outside any prosecutable zone.

Hence, Sealand. Some fucked up gunnery platform from WWII that's located outside British territorial waters. I remember a gunner who worked there returned in the 1960s and tried to set up his own country.

Anyway, looks like the nerds (and their evil cronies in the spam and child-porn sectors) are finally moving forward with their plans to use Sealand as a extranational data storage facility, with spammers as their first clients. They will try to get banks and corporations to store their data as well.

Yesssss... Get the banks and corporations to store data there, all while the appropriately-named "Pirate Bay" thumbs its nose at Britain's copyright and data privacy laws:

Swedish file-sharing website The Pirate Bay is planning to buy its own nation in an attempt to circumvent international copyright laws.

The group has set up a campaign to raise money to buy Sealand, a former British naval platform in the North Sea that has been designated a 'micronation', and claims to be outside the jurisdiction of the UK or any other country.

The Pirate Bay says it is the world's largest 'bit torrent tracker', and is a popular way of sharing music, films, software and other copyrighted material online. It has been under the scrutiny of authorities in Sweden and around the world for some time.

The site was briefly closed down after raids by the Swedish police last May. After initially moving to the Netherlands, the site returned to Sweden in June. Swedish authorities have been put under pressure to do more to stop the site. The Motion Picture Association of America, the Swedish Anti-Piracy Bureau and the US government have all lobbied for The Pirate Bay's closure.

According to a website set up to secure the purchase of Sealand, The Pirate Bay plans to give citizenship of the micronation to anyone willing to put money towards the purchase.

"It should be a great place for everybody, with high-speed Internet access, no copyright laws and VIP accounts to The Pirate Bay," the organisation claims on its website Buy Sealand.

Yes! Start with music sharing, and move to data storage!

Then, I shall appear with my armada of borrowed pirates and evil computer hackers. They'll bombard this fuckin outpost with artillery and machine guns, kill the two nerds who inhabit the platform, and proceed to physically remove billions of bank records, corporate documents, and other rich data from this highly vulnerable, unprotected site.

And then I will sell the data to rival corporations and hackers and high-tech criminals the world over.

Sounds like a majour money maker here. And it'll be lots of fun.

SO! Anyone want to invest in my pirate armada? I bet it'll be cheaper than buying part of this fuckin Sealand! I also need computer nerds to work for evil and profit. Send resumes and references if you are a computer nerd, evil, or both.


lead the way, my love.
Signing aboard to build endless machines with pirated copies of win xp and msoffice. :heh:

oh wait thats my current part time gig. :goggly: