Anyone want a free Amp modeller... That's actually decent?


Jul 21, 2003
Oulu, Finland
Just happened across this!

Freeware amp sim...

Only does 2 amps, a fender and a JCM 900 as well as a bunch of pedals (Tube Screamer and Boss SD-1 that sound fucking awesome)

SimulAnalog Guitar Suite

Check the clips.

Hate to say this, but for a "distorted amp", it sounds far more real than anything i got out of the AMplitube 2 demo....

Can't argue with the price either!

Oh aye! Seriously basic GUI so is really light on the cpu!

Anyhoo, figured you's be interested!

We need a "plugins" sub forum where everyone can post their findings!
you must have a different version than I do becuase "light on the CPU" it aint

I'd say more like
"nukes my fucking computer in an instant"

it is better than most (if not all of) the ones people pay for
it needs a dither plug in front. If you get it in a mix with lots of tracks and solo something besides simulanalog it freaks out. the plug doesnt like to be bypassed

dont get me wrong it kicks butt
Haha, just so you know, i'm nothing to do with the company to slate it all you want :D

I've just recently went on a plugin binge and am testing out the best of the freeware world :D
Simulanalog Guitar Suite has been on and off these forums very often over the past year or so, but it has one big problem called denormalisation - when little or no signal is fed to the plugin its algorithms start dealing with very small numbers (close to zero) and the CPU switches into high precision mode which presents an EXTREME stress to the CPU, causing the computer to completely lock up in many occasions. A dither plugin in front of the Simulanalog plugin avoids this in most cases.