Anyone want some more tech metal to mix?


Studio Scapegoat
Feb 13, 2007
Nottingham, UK
I pulled some stem tracks from an old project to give me something to mess around with at home. It's a song by these guys: :headbang:

It's on it's way to my we server now for anyone that's interested. The original mix (which wasn't done by me as I wasn't avaiable on that day) was kept fairly raw. No use of samples. So go nuts. I'll post the link when it's done.
No DI guitars unfortunatly. As to what they were recorded with I really don't recall. Probably Marshalls.

We tracked 4 songs with these guys in one day. The drummer recorded to a click track and the two guitarists and bassist all tracked their parts together which is why you'll hear some bleed on the guitar tracks. The bassist was using flatwound strings I think, which is why he has an unusual tone.
No DI guitars unfortunatly. As to what they were recorded with I really don't recall. Probably Marshalls.

We tracked 4 songs with these guys in one day. The drummer recorded to a click track and the two guitarists and bassist all tracked their parts together which is why you'll hear some bleed on the guitar tracks. The bassist was using flatwound strings I think, which is why he has an unusual tone.

So I loaded the the individual files into cubase since I don't have Reaper (that's what a RPP file is right?)

Anyways, is the track at 125bpm? I can't get it to line up to the click.

EDIT: 120

Downloaded Reaper and it's telling me 120.


And now Melodyne crashes before it opens so it looks like I'll be manually time syncing the drums.
Oops, I said click track when I meant guide guitar track. Sorry.

There shouldn't be any gating on the tracks as far as I'm aware. I removed all track inserts and reset the mixer before dumping the stems so what you hear should be exactly as it was recorded.
Yeah, the drums need fixing and I really don't have the time but I did gave the song a shot: click here

It was interesting for me to play around with the three bass tracks. Thanks for sharing :headbang:
Hehe, it's not always easy is it?:heh:

The drummer probably could have played to a click, but they hadn't practiced that way and we have a policy of "Never done it before? Then we ain't doing it now" as far as clicks go. Simply because they tend to waste time most bands simply don't have to waste. We needed all the tracks finished inside of a day. And it's good we did, because apparently the drinking session that night was legendary (I missed out cos I had to work. Dammit.:erk:) and the band were in no fit state to do anything the next day. :lol:

We do tend to go slightly overboard with bass tracks it's true. I one recent session used 4 tracks of bass for the one song. But have you SEEN the back of those Ampeg SVT heads? I had to spend 10 minutes just figuring out what half of those connections were even for!