Anyone want to join Cruachan?

Sorry for being off topic but you guys (and gal) owns :). I love your "folk-lore" album, definetly one of the best releases this year. Wish i could play keyboards heh.

Keep kicking arse and hope to see you on tour sometime in the future ;)
Sadly enough, the only instrument I've been able to master over the years, are those little macaroni tubes, so unless you're looking for a masta of pasta, I'm afraid I too shall have to decline. :(
*raises hand*

Me, me, oh, oooh, me!

I can headbang! Or at least move around a lot to the side of the stage! Whattya say?

Ok, in all seriousness, it's really cool to see a member of the band posting here! I hope you stick around every now and again even if/when you find a replacement keyboardist. And how about kicking your record company in the pants and demanding a North American tour? Doesn't that sound good? :) Please?!

EDIT: I had no idea this was a resurrected thread! Dammit! Ah well, what I say still applies...
So if all goes according to plan...will the album be mixed, mastered and released in 2003?

*crosses fingers*

And then we'll see about that North American tour, eh? Or at least play Wacken '03, since I'll be there!
Actually, that's music to my ears (no pun intended).

I thought 'Folk-Lore' was a bit overproduced and too poppy to be honest. I love 'Tuatha...' the most of your 3 LPs, so your news is welcome!
:lol: Yes, I guess I listen to a lot of extreme metal, but I also listen to Freedom Call & Edguy, so... ;)

Don't take 'poppy' the wrong way, I still *like* the album, just not as much as the first 2 (esp. the first one). And I believe you SHOULD make music that pleases yourself above and beyond all others. What's the point of making it otherwise?

Hey, off-topic, what does your nickname translate to?
High King of Ireland :)

I've seen a few reviews were the reviewer thought that folklore was not as metal as middle kingdom...what do you think? I was always bewildered by that because it simply is not true, although I am very proud of kingdom it is weaker than folklore by a long shot.
Wow, really? That's cool, but I also like 'Middle Kingdom' a tad more than 'Folklore' as well (but only slightly). I'd have to go give them another spin to see how 'metal' they are to be honest.

Thx High King! ;)

Hey, who's the lucky bandmember who has Karen's heart? :) She's a right nice Irish lass...