Anyone want to Master my current project?


Dirty Man-Horse
Jan 14, 2008
I'm not a 100% sure this is where I should post this, so please move it if it needs to and my apologies if it’s in the wrong forum. I'm looking for someone to Master the project I'm working on. This is my first crack at mixing and recording "I know mastering wont make my amateur recordings to professional, its a demo and I’m completely fine with what we have." Its for my bands demo, so if anyone wants to help me with it I would greatly appreciate it. The band is a Hardcore/Metalcore band. I'm not completely done with tracking Vocals yet so it'll be probably next week when I am ready for it to be mastered. Either post your rates in this thread or PM me. Thanks again.
Ill do it (£15 just for the time), but i am no way near the best master engineer on here..... i could just do with the practise.

1Let me know mate