Anyone want to start an online deathcore band?


Feb 24, 2011
I've got some down time right now and am severly lacking mixing and creative outlets. I was wondering if anyone would like to start an online deathcore project? I was hoping to get a guitarist/bassist and a great vocalist here on the forums. The guitarist could track the riffs and bass to a click, then send them to me. I'd program the drums and maybe add midi instruments like darker orchestral elements...then I'd send it to the vocalist to complete the vocals. I do play drums, but I dont have the proper gear or experience to track them as cleanly as I'd like to, so I'll stick with Superior 2 on this one. Then all of us could mix it and send in our mix...determine the one we all enjoy the most...and submit it. I think it would be really awesome and fun hopefully effin heavy.

Message me if you're interested...

P.S. I know that this isn't probably the best place for this kind of post...but I wasn't sure where to put it. I know that there's a sticky for collabs, but it seems like no one uses it anymore so I wasn't sure where to post. Mods can move if needed.
Still wanting to do this, but haven't been contacted by the guys who were originally interested. Anyone else down to do this? Let me know? My role would be programming the drums (no recording at this time), adding midi orchestrations if inspiration hit me and maybe adding solos if the inspiration hit me. Also, I could help write lyrics, which is one of my favorite things to do and do a tad bit of guest vocals. I'm still looking for a dedicated guitarist, bassist, and vocalist.
This whole channel is my project Beyond the End.
Its me and 2 other friends. I do all the drum programming, midi orchestration, I write solos on some of the songs. I did the vocals from 49 seconds to 1:07

Here's one of the songs, but we have 3 others up and you can see us do behind the scene stuff on the channel too.

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I also do all the mixing. You can find 3 of these songs uploaded on the forums for remixing. I uploaded them for anyone who wanted some practice with metal mixing. I'm not a great mixer or a great producer, I just figured someone might find it useful.