Just another deathcore band....


Ocean Planet is on burn
Jul 10, 2007
Oklahoma, US
This is a rough mix of a deathcore band I recorded a week ago. I really need advice on this one. They tuned to G# and I'm not sure the low end sounds right. Thanks in advance guys!

Shag Harbor

There are no toms and I know the sub drop distorts a little bit.
wow. that's some shitty playing. I don't think this could be saved by any mixing. The band just sucks too much. sorry dude but I wouldn't stress that much to get this sounding good. it's not gonna happen I'm afraid....
wow. that's some shitty playing. I don't think this could be saved by any mixing. The band just sucks too much. sorry dude but I wouldn't stress that much to get this sounding good. it's not gonna happen I'm afraid....

I totally agree, holy crap!
yeah the guitars are buzzy as hell because his gain was on like 8 1/2 on a 6505+. For a 1 song pre production demo does it sound at least okay?
noooo........ start again and play in time is probably the best thing to do. Vocals are good but everything else needs errr work. Turn the gain down. Pleeeeassee.

No offence ;), at least its not your band :D