Anyone with Dish Network (or if you get Univ. CA TV)


Purveyor of the Unique & Distinct
Staff member
Sep 30, 2001
Virginia, USA
If you have Dish Network or some cable/dish system that gets University of California TV (UCTV), and you want to see some crazy guitar playing, watch "New Dimensions in Classical Guitar" today at 6pm EST (or watch for a re-run).

Every now and then I turn to the weird University channels (9412 on Dish Network) to see what kind of weird stuff is being shown, and came across this guitar show last night. The guitar guy is: and this was apparently from some show/event he put on. AMAZING to watch. He has some of the most tripped out playing I have ever seen. If you watch it, wait for the song "Stars" .... I think that song alone is the most tripped out, weird, freakish piece of music I have ever heard! It's a duet with this girl who plays the recorder (remember those from elementary school?!) ... man it was like some weird psychedelic 60s acid trip of a composition. A must see... if anyone else watches or has seen this chime in.