im kinda stuck with mixing (ZTO content)


Sep 11, 2007
as you can see i joined the forum quite a while ago and was lurking from time to time. some years ago music and AEing became my secondary hobbys and i almost quit that stuff... now im trying to recover from the break (man im an idiot)

this is my latest mix and it lacks stuff:

ive read more intensivly about mixing and related for some time now, but my mixes arent getting really better since some while ago.

the mix was done in an untreated room and mackies hr824 mkii. i cannot treat this room. but from what ive seen with rew there are some major notches at the listening position (112hz and ~320hz, 2,2 - 3,7 khz, and most likely some combfiltering), i think the speaker placement is ok. as reference some really old pc speakers are used, they do a decend job. any pro mix sounds "good" on theese. the lows cant be heard much, but are somewhat subtle. now if i compare my mix on the crappy speakers (and other systems) some things are obviosly:
-lowend sucks
-my mix is kinda scooped
-guitars are weird/suck, are way upfront
-kick is somewhat clicky and is jumping out at certain lines (same goes with toms) (didnt automate anything...)
-bass is simply wtf
-anything sounds retardedly dry (i didnt use reverb on anything but even drums, while having the room mic boosted and compressed a lot)
-and toms are resonanting their ways through...(tried to eq, compress and gate, results are in this mix)
-my playing is sloppy:)

stuff used:
schecter hellraiser c7 (devin t. tuning, strings are like 2 weeks old, gauge maybe too low, 060 as G) -> emu0404->tse -> revalver -> eq, c4
drums sd2 avatar
bass trillian hardcore-> ampeg -> eq, comp

cant get the guitars to sound any good, if i cut to give more depth -> guitar lacks any mids, did some cuts to remove cab resonance and compressed with c4, but then again guitar sounds too altered/thin even if gentle settings are applied. shit lacks highs but to remove some of the fizz high cut were made at 10,5 khz, (hpf 86 hz or so) while chords sound too distorted, mutes seem not, compressing harder makes stuff only more harsh....and the sd2 kick makes me so much trouble. no samples were used.

im pretty sure some of you guys could help me by pointing out obvious (not for me) mistakes i made during mixing.

any help apreciated
everything is relevant, any room that's not 100% dead is going to have some character, you have to learn how certain things sound in your particular room. I've used my RP5's for like 3 years now, in my untreated bedroom. I think alot of what I'm hearing bass-wise is the reflection from the walls, haha. but I'm starting to learn how stuff sounds in my particular speakers, then I use another set of hi-fis for bass reference. all I can tell you is: listen to alot of pro mixes as reference, if they sound a bit weird in comparison to your mix well then weird is the way to go. listned to the clip, the tones are ok (except for the kick, gosh I hate the avatar kick). you just have to work on balancing your mix and making it glue.
thanks for the reply.

yeah my stuff doesnt glue well. hm, pro mixes dont sound really weird on my setup. but im pretty sure, that i cant compensate the room throug listening atm. besides that i really want to know if the material im working with is ok. heres one of the di tracks:

is the sample any good? clipping can be heard but only cuz i raised the volume a little bit too much. i dont know but some dis i heard at this forum were a lot more open in mid and high range (especially the highs). btw no di unit was used but that shouldnt matter in this case(?)(used a 3m planetwaves cable straight into emu0404)

another problem is that i cant get so freakin much lowend out of the kick. seems like im the only person with such a weak kick drum, any other mix i heard had a brutal low end on the kick.
processing was like -3db @ 154, lpf hpf 30 and 10khz, +3db @ 6,4 khz, +2db @ 2,2khz, -3db @ 540khz, -4db@ 240hz, fast attack, fast release, gr 6-10 , were the applied changes too gentle? (sounded pretty ok for me...) and a 50hz sinewave was triggered. maybe i made some mistakes with the bass guitar?