Anyone's mother language here Portuguese?

ante said:
well I´m brasilian but doesn´t speak portugues 100%perfectly as I´m not raised there...there is a guy coronerox and a woman metalscweschröder or something like that :lol:

Oooh você mora em Suécia!
Sverige är mitt favoritland :D (or something)

Do you understand written portuguese well? I'm translating this booklet from Dutch into (Brazilian) portuguese, but I'm pretty sure I've made some stupid mistakes, that's why I need to find someone with portuguese as their actual first or second language. Normally I wouldn't care that much, but this is for little kids from Brazil who come over here for various reasons, so it is important.

Do those other two people come here a lot?
hehehe yeah correct spelling! :D

ok you should get someone with portgues as native language :) I haven´t seen coronerox in a while, the woman frmo rio pops in every now and then though!
Sweet :D

Yeah I know I should, it's only time's running out (I officially have to hand in the translated booklet tomorrow, but I can stretch it 'til december 2nd). I want those kids to understand what they're reading! :lol:

I'd rather translate stuff into Swedish, between you and me. ;) it's also min favoritspråk (or something, again :lol: )
Yeah, I've got like... 15 hours PSING! :lol: nah I'll probably stretch it so someone can check it for me.

Hehe yeah I'll see if I can get a job translating stuff into Swedish, but this was only a one-off thing, you know, though now some kind of agency is interested in me for the Portuguese. They still have to call me, though, then I'll tell them if they're looking for someone for Swedish I'll do that instead. :lol:

Nah, I didn't write it myself, I'm not that crap of a writer (I swear, I first had to translate the Dutch stuff into proper Dutch to be able to translate it into Portuguese :lol: ), but it's important to the kids to know how everything works at the place they're going to stay. It's a booklet about this living group for kids from several different countries, and the kids can read how things are arranged in the group and all that stuff.
EagleFlyFree said:
>Anyone's mother language here Portuguese?

my mom is brazilian so her native language is portuguese, do i qualify?

If you speak Portuguese you do. :D

Portuguese is a sissy version of Spanish.

Well those Portuguese and Brazilian 'sissies' can kick some Spaniard ass any day.

Thanatos : Ahhh, same here >< I haven't been in three weeks because I've been too busy! :'(