Apartment drumming?


What A Horrible Night To Have A Curse
Jun 5, 2002
Kandarian Ruins
So I've played bass for over a decade now but have dabbled with drums whenever I jam with anyone, and apparently my girlfriend thinks that it is time for me to fully engulf myself behind a kit, because she's offering to buy me a drum set for my birthday. The problem is I recently moved to an apartment, and I don't want my new neighbors to hate me just yet!

So does anyone have any experiences or recommendations for electronic drums or drum silencing pads? Any other options or suggestions? Thanks for any help!!!
I'd urge you not to resaort to electronics just yet. I played while living in an apartment for many years without problems with the neighbors. I avoided complaints by simply talking to my immediate neighbors, working out times when they weren't in and the like...worked just fine.
What you can do to make it silent is put the drum set in the corner of a room that is not attached to the other persons apartment, next get 3 or 4 heavy blankets and hang them from the wall down in front of your set, this will absorb most of the sound, and is much cheaper than buying a drum shield. Next in the bass drum and all the toms and snare put pillows in them to muffle them, for the cymbals put tape on the edge of the cymbal were you hit it to make it less loud. This is the cheapest and lest noisy way to have a drum set in a small apartment.
A friend of mine puts rubber over his snare and toms and just tapes old t-shirts and towels to his symbals. Still makes a little noise. He rehearses at his home with his band, so I don't know how it would go down in an apartment. Another mate of mine, who lives in an apartment, has an elctric kit purly for practicing at home. He patches it into his computer and uses head phones, and has his proper kit at the rehearsal room.

This post is quite funny actually. I usually hear drummers leaving their band because of their girlfriends. You girl is one of a kind. NEVER leave her. hahaha
union9 said:
This post is quite funny actually. I usually hear drummers leaving their band because of their girlfriends. You girl is one of a kind. NEVER leave her. hahaha
:lol: She's a musician herself, that probably makes a difference. Of course, technically I'm not a drummer just yet... :grin:
Hmm....Maybe the rubber pads? Sure it will still be some sound but not near as much.....*glad I live far away from anyone, I play loud, I think;)*
Okay tried the electronic drums, those are out. :yuk:

Decided on a Yamaha Stage Custom Advantage set and I'll just use drum muffle thingies and / or hotrod sticks. No playing at midnight, but that's okay.
Solution to your problems and ways to make your room soundproof...

Take egg cartons, not the styrofoam ones, and cover your walls with it, or use insolation. Since is so tightly strung together it blocks the sound from leaving the room etc, besides that, they make practice pads and shit to put on your toms and cymbals etc. Some are pretty cheap.