APC's thirteenth step rox

I take it by your name that you are refering to the song on that cd, The Nurse Who Loved Me. Maybe you didn't know that song was a cover from an old disbanded space rock band named Failure. In case you didn't, get their third and final album which had that song, Fantastic Planet, as it is probably 1,000 times better than all of A Perfect Circle's and Tool's material put together. There really is no comparison, the songwriting, lyrics, and melodies are so much stronger than anything Maynard and Co have done that it is quite hilarious when you realize how Failure toiled in obscurity while Tool receives heaps of marketing which makes that mediocre band seem great when really, that's a fucking lie and there are far better bands around.

A Perfect Circle just sucks, there's no skirting that issue. By most accounts, their newest album only features a few good songs, and even those songs are only good in relation to the completely subpar rest of the album.

In conclusion, A Perfect Circle ruined The Nurse Who Loved Me by completely transforming the song from a powerful and innovative space rock song into a sappy and useless filler track. That's bullshit, I say. Fuck Maynard, he's overrated and boring.
Having acquired the Failure album in question immediately upon hearing the wonderful cover off of 'Thirteenth Step,' I concluded that the name of the band was largely indicative of the experience contained therein.
LuminousAether said:
Wonderful cover? You my sir, are deaf. Eat shit and die, please.

Such a world we live in where simple preference is grounds for immature and falsely grounded macho posturing... on an online message board, no less.

Allow me to reiterate: Where Failure has failed, A Perfect Circle has succeeded admirably.

You can suck a cock.
LuminousAether said:
Allow me to reiterate. Your taste sucks.


I would ask for a decent summary of your own taste (and would be quickly obliged with a sizeable list of various esoteric bands and groups), so I could summarily throw back an equally childish and unfounded insult towards your own preferences.

Been there done that.

You remind me of our resident Dying Sun, only replacing his CHRISTHATINGNIHILISM with an avatar of pretty landscapes, a signature with equally pretty poetry I'm sure you perceive as quite throughtful, and accusations and condemnations that are twice as vague as even HIS seemingly random outbursts.

I don't know if your taste sucks or not, but if its indicative of the attitude and personality that you've expressed, one can only assume...
Wonderful cover? You my sir, are deaf. Eat shit and die, please.
Calm thyself, brutha. Chill pill, dawg.

It's just music. And opinions. Nothing to get worked up over...

By the way, the chick in the WEak and Powerless video is smokin'!
LuminousAether said:
Surely you have realized by now that my opinion is the paradigm of opinions, that lofty spire of pure musical enlightenment.
G.E.T. A L.I.F.E.

Luminous thinks he's better than the rest of us.

Even I don't think I'm better than the rest of us.


ooo this is good :)

I just wanted to say that I was disappointed by Thirteenth Step because it is a great change from Mer De Noms and headed in the wrong direction. Mer de Noms was electric with emotion and very intriguing guitar pieces. Thirteenth Step just doesn't do it justice. I'm betting it's because of the different styles of music that came along with James Iha, Josh Freese, and Twiggie Ramirez.

ahem... continue :cool:
the greatest band is something that doesnt exist because then it can't be bad. music is not endless. some day every piece of possible music sound and arrangement will be done.
Sonicarnal Artist and LuminousAether....you are both tasteless idiots. Luminous, anybody who's ever had the displeasure of listening to a Failure record and one who doesn't possess the brain-power of a chimp would realize that their name properly fits their description. They are not original, they are not talented, they are uninspired, tasteless bullshit rock. In fact, they should thank APC for giving them some undeserved free exposure.....oh no, that's right, I've forgotten that they prefer to live in the "midst of their obscurity," because becoming popular would automatically label them as being inferior to the other cool "underground" bands that play better music yet can't seem to make a living because the world always seems to ignore such great musicians. Thus, you have to come on this board, post a completely irrevelent topic that nobody cares about, and try to pass yourself off as an intellectual, when in actuality, you are nothing but a smart-alecky fraud. Shut up, and stop trying to sound like you know something, because it's obvious that you don't know shit.

As for you, Sonicarnal Artist, I just don't like you. Plus, everybody knows that anyone who has any kind of admiration for the band Anal Gore Terror is a blatant moron.