Aphorisms of Interest


Nov 19, 2001
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For some strange reason, previous threads on the holocaust and Germans in general, rattled around in my brain, and sparked my interest in a few aphorisms from controversial German philosopher's I believe to be of some importance to the world of present.

First, Oswald's Spengler's lamentations of the corruption of money and democracy (he would predict in the 1920's the imminent economic and cultural fall of Europe and America to India and Asia--yes, he did; and he received alot of grief about it in his time)

Through money, democracy becomes its own destroyer, after money has destroyed intellect. But, just because the illusion that actuality can allow itself to be improved by the ideas of any Zeno or Marx has fled away; because men have learned that in the realm of reality one power-will can be overthrown only by another (for that is the great human experience of Contending States periods); there wakes at last a deep yearning for all old and worthy tradition that still lingers alive... And now dawns the time when the form-filled powers of the blood, which the rationalism of the Megolopolis has suppressed, reawaken in the depth. Everything in the order of dynastic tradition and old nobility that has saved itself up for the future, everything that there is of high money-disdaining ethic, everything that is intrinsically sound enough to be, in Frederick the Great's words, the servant--the hard-working, self-sacrificing, caring servant--of the State--all this becomes suddenly the focus of immense life-forces...

And then Ludwig Klages ideas about America, the media, and our future.

Downfall. Today, those are outstanding spirits indeed in whom one can expect to find any independence of judgment. The great masses, who have never been, in the history of mankind, more subject to hypnotic suggestion than they are right now, have become the puppets of the "public opinion" that is engineered by the newspapers in the service, it need hardly be emphasized, of the reigning powers of finance. What is printed in the morning editions of the big city newspapers is the opinion of nine out of ten readers by nightfall. The United States of America, whose more rapid "progress" enables us to predict the future on a daily basis, has pulled far ahead of the pack when it comes to standardizing thought, work, entertainment, etc.

Thus, the United States in 1917 went to war against Germany in sincere indignation because the newspapers had told them that Prussian "militarism" was rioting in devilish atrocities as it attempted to conquer the world. Of course, these transparent lies were published in the daily rags because the ruling lords of Mammon knew that American intervention in Europe would fatten their coffers. Thus, whereas the Americans thought that they were fighting for such high-minded slogans as "liberty" and "justice," they were actually fighting to stuff the money bags of the big bankers. These "free citizens" are, in fact, mere marionettes; their freedom is imaginary, and a brief glance at American work-methods and leisure-time entertainments is enough to prove conclusively that l’homme machine is not merely imminent: it is already the American reality. Racial theorists seem cognizant of the fact that this will be the downfall of the white race, and that of the black and yellow races shortly thereafter. (Of the so-called "primitive" races, we say nothing other than that the few surviving tribal cultures are already at death’s door!) All of these facts are scarcely relevant, since the ultimate destruction of all seems to be a foregone conclusion. It is not this destruction that makes us sorrowful here, for no prophet can foretell whether a completely robotized mankind will survive for centuries, or even for millennia: what concerns us is the mechanization process itself. It is the tragic destiny of knowledge—of authentic knowledge and not of the imaginary sort, which provides the intellectual implements required by engineers and technicians—that it performs the funeral march that accompanies the disappearance, if not the burial, of a living essence. The only thing that we know is that we are no more. "Somnium narrare vigilantis est" (Seneca). (SW 4 pp. 408-9)
Does Megopolis refer to the monoculture (New World Order)?
Is Spengler saying that this megopolis dulls the people's sense of "dynastic tradition and old nobility" and blood loyalty ("powers of the blood") - but that when another power (India or China) attempts to take over the country, these feelings flood back to make people resist the new power ("there wakes at last a deep yearning for all old and worthy tradition that still lingers alive")?

And yet the irony is that the monoculture is itself an alien imposition on us, quite removed from our old traditional culture. It was not resisted because it so gradually invaded us, assimilating us (like the Borg in Star Trek!) and changing us perhaps irreversably.

Another sci-fi comparison: HG Wells was a member of the Fabian Society and (although he personally disliked Zionism) supported the idea of the New World Order. In fact you can read his book of that title on: http://www.theforbiddenknowledge.com/hardtruth/new_world_order_hgwells.htm
Some say "The War of the Worlds" (which Wells also wrote) was metaphorically showing his idea that to impose the NWO it would have to be a gradual process. If it was done all of a sudden, like the Martian invasion, it would cause a backlash, an immune response, from the people - in a similar way to how the Earth germs attacked and killed the Martians.

Spengler's description "the powers of the blood", "dynastic tradition and old nobility" would be the people's immune response to a rapid impostition of the NWO.

Obviously the NWO is supposed to include India and China and I wonder how independent these nations are from it. The United Nations is a key part of the NWO, by the way.

Klages makes it clear in the quote you posted, Speed, that he regards the rulers of America to be "lords of mammon". I think it is safe to say that he wasn't talking about elected politicians so much as a more permanent anti-American ruling elite, which exploits the American people as "l'homme machine" (human machines) to be lied to and manipulated like marrionettes by the media that these moneymen own.

"No man is an island", the saying goes - so these ruling lords of mammon must have a community that they ARE loyal to and whose interests they DO serve, if it is not the interests of the people of the nations they control. The New World Order is their domination plan.
speed said:
First, Oswald's Spengler's lamentations of the corruption of money and democracy (he would predict in the 1920's the imminent economic and cultural fall of Europe and America to India and Asia--yes, he did; and he received alot of grief about it in his time)

This is to my mind a more important topic than the Holocaust topic, because Jews -- well, who gives a shit about people following arcane, bigoted, psychotic religions, right? Some would class Jews that way. I'm not sure where I stand, but they're a minority in a world that had better save its own ass soon, so I can't get worked up either way (although a smart observer might note that Zionism is Jewish National Socialism -- oy heil!).

Spengler's predictions were dead on, but so were Nietzsche's in this regard - and he inherited them from Aristotle, who claimed that once international (he said INTERNATIONAL as in OPPOSITE OF NATIONALIST) commerce took over a nation, it would become of mixed bloodline and would lose its culture, collapse inwardly and be taken over by Asians (Persians, in the case of the Greeks).

The Chinese invasion is gonna come whether the Holocaust happened or not.