API 2500 or Distressor??

Contra Studio

Jul 13, 2011
Hell Paso
Hi guys,
I'm trying figure out which next gear to buy. I don't own any comps other then plugs. I would use both for tracking and mixing. So I was looking at getting another API 3124 for more pres cause I'm using a Presonus Digimax for more I/O and a comp. or just get both comps and stay with the Digimax. Just wanted your guys in put..
If you want more pres, build some classic api kits. I'd go for the two Distressors as well. Bit more flexibility since they'd be your only ones.
I'm in a similar boat as the OP. For the guys that are saying that the 2 bus comp will make a bigger difference than an individual comp on separate tracks, why are you still recommending the distressor? Is it the versatility of the distressor?
I'm in a similar boat as the OP. For the guys that are saying that the 2 bus comp will make a bigger difference than an individual comp on separate tracks, why are you still recommending the distressor? Is it the versatility of the distressor?

In my case I recommended the pair of distressors because he wants a pair for tracking and mixing.
If I was in his shoes, and I've been there before, I would change my mind and buy a 2-Bus compressor, but if he wants a compressor for tracking and mixing...