api 3124 60hz hum


Sep 21, 2006
i just got real sad...


channel 3, gain at 0, all buttons out, hooked up to snake, nothing plugged into snake


channel 4, gain at 0, 48v and mic engaged, hooked to snake, condensor hooked up to snake

any suggestions other than hooking up some whack hum removerz

my power conditioner is MONSTER POWER PRO 3500
Probably a ground loop dude, need to just throw some sort of isolator in the chain somewhere. Hum Removers aren't all that whack, they are legitimate devices that isolate devices to separate transformers to prevent problems like this. Grab a Hum X or something and rock and roll.
Like Adam said. The first thing I would try is one of those $.50 A/C ground lift plugs to see if that solves your issue. If it does then a humX is the "correct" way to fix things. If you have any line transformers it's worth giving those a shot on the output of the API (although you would need to have enough for all of the channels or unplug all but the one with the tranny inline). Finally, since this is a brand new unit (I think) there is a possibility that there is in fact an issue with it and it may be worth just calling your dealer and trying to swap it.
Does it make the sound with the snake unplugged? Could be picking it up through a shit cable too.
just for the record, a power conditioner shouldn't affect 60hz hum. a power conditioner aims to remove other (higher) frequencies from the power, but 60hz is the basic alternating frequency of US electricity and is the frequency at which the power is transmitted at.
so i took everything out of my rack and spread it out

turned everything on and hum was gone

i have not been able to hook up the snake with this scenario as it is pretty far away from where i moved things, but hooking a mic directly also had no ground hum

this unit has to go back anyways, because the first meter is broken, doesnt light up...

edit: just hooked up the snake, still no hum...

so now im left wondering where to put this thing.. am i really gonna have to lay it next to my mouse pad instead of in my rack?
maybe try an isolated ground receptacle? things are like $8, but the downside there is that they usually only come in orange.
Yeah it can happen that the devices are connected to each other via the screws and rack rails... There´s a good chance that humfrees solve your problem. And they are very cheap, too :)
Yeah it can happen that the devices are connected to each other via the screws and rack rails... There´s a good chance that humfrees solve your problem. And they are very cheap, too :)

so technically if i run a wire from the face place of my monster power to my api face plate, i should get the same results (a hum present)
