"Apple is morally superior..."

Who the hell would want to look at porn on their cell phones anyway?

My Macbook lets me look at porn and that's enough. It doesn't get me laid though, which sucks.
The iphone has a slot for external media, right? Couldn't you just load pr0n onto whatever the medium is and play it? Or can you only watch content you've bought from the apple store? (why do I have a strong suspicion that this is the case :Smug: )
And of course, I shudder to think where you'd be that you'd be in a position to beat it and only had your phone on you :lol:

I'm sorry man, but I have no clue of what you just said. Might be because I didn't sleep last night but that sentence just doesn't appear to make any sense :waah:

and yes, I suppose you CAN load porn on your Iphone if you REALLY want to, but I still can't see the point, why would it be such a big deal anyway :goggly: watching pr0n on phone = fail
Haha, yeah, I admit I could've phrased that better, but it does makes sense :D To put in another way, I can't imagine when a person would be somewhere where they could beat it ("it" being their dong), but not have anything more than their cell phone on them (specifically a laptop, though perhaps I'm revealing too much of my own habits here :lol: )
If you read the article, that's not what he said at all. Where in any of that is the quote in the thread title??

I don't get what's so wrong about this. Apple chooses what kind of products to carry in it's app store, and they chose not to carry porn. Are you going to get on Blockbuster or Hollywood Video's ass about not having hardcore porn for rent?
If you read the article, that's not what he said at all. Where in any of that is the quote in the thread title??

I don't get what's so wrong about this. Apple chooses what kind of products to carry in it's app store, and they chose not to carry porn. Are you going to get on Blockbuster or Hollywood Video's ass about not having hardcore porn for rent?

the only shred of sense being spoken in this thread.
you can very easily put any porn you want on an iphone... as video that plays back via the ipod video functionality and as still pictures in your photo library.. you can also go to porn vid sites with the built in Safari browser, like Porntube and Redtube, and others.nothing to stop you. Jobs is simply saying the politically correct thing there... that's all. so all you uptight fucks just go rub one out and re-fucking-lax.

abyss... how about i make a thread called "Windows is morally superior"... there are no official ways to get porn content from Microsoft either... soooooo, what's your fucking point???

we put it on our devices anyway, and no one, INCLUDING APPLE, does anything to stop us.

suck it.... pointless, uninformed, myopic thread is pointless, uninformed, and myopic.
The title of the thread makes sense. It´s not about the porn. Focus on the subject. The question was "what about running unsigned apps?". His answer was basically "keep your filth moral values to yourself or take them to Android".
The title of the thread makes sense. It´s not about the porn. Focus on the subject. The question was "what about running unsigned apps?". His answer was basically "keep your filth moral values to yourself or take them to Android".
twist it any way you want.. EVERY major company does the same thing... they don't stop you from using their products how you want, but they don't endorse or officially enable you to do things that could get them in a lawsuit.. so play semanitcs all you want, but Apple doesn't act any more "morally superior" than any other major company does in regards to what they will openly endorse or officially allow. but you CAN easily put porn on your iphone and you can also EASILY jailbreak it and use porn related apps... soooooo, what?? you want Jobs to say, "sure, Apple will officially allow porn apps!!"??? seriously? do you think he would ever say that?? do you think Bill Gates would ever say that?? or the head of Android?? you are smoking the good shit if you do.
"What about running unsigned apps?"

"You know, there’s a porn store for Android. Anyone can download them. You can, your kids can. That’s just not a place we want to go."

A simple "we do not support them" would have sufficed. I mean the idea of blocking unsigned apps itself is really no worse than any other DRM strategy out there but to make the leap from unsigned apps to providing children with access to pornography is laughable hyperbole at best and moral alarmism at worst.

Don't disguise DRM as a software chastity belt, people will buy anything these days regardless of how Orwellian the day to day use of it may be. You don't have to sink to televangelist levels of sanctimonious dickery to hock your wares.

Though I have a feeling that quote was taken out of context, because drawing such a line when there are so many other ways to access filth on just about every internet-worthy Apple vessel is a ridiculous double standard that I have trouble believing the Apple marketing machine would let slip.
"What about running unsigned apps?"

"You know, there’s a porn store for Android. Anyone can download them. You can, your kids can. That’s just not a place we want to go."

A simple "we do not support them" would have sufficed. I mean the idea of blocking unsigned apps itself is really no worse than any other DRM strategy out there but to make the leap from unsigned apps to providing children with access to pornography is laughable hyperbole at best and moral alarmism at worst.

Don't disguise DRM as a software chastity belt, people will buy anything these days regardless of how Orwellian the day to day use of it may be. You don't have to sink to televangelist levels of sanctimonious dickeryto hock your wares.

Though I have a feeling that quote was taken out of context, because drawing such a line when there are so many other ways to access filth on just about every internet-worthy Apple vessel is a ridiculous double standard that I have trouble believing the Apple marketing machine would let slip.
yeah... i'm with you bro.. down with hyperbole!

yeah... i'm with you bro.. down with hyperbole!

I'm sorry, if you don't think DRM is getting out of hand you really have no business calling anyone else myopic.

Although I don't think that's the case, I think you took my statement of "people will buy anything regardless of how Orwellian the day to day use of it is" as an attack on Apple's DRM in this case. Even though I only said a few sentences previous that their blocking of unsigned apps is really no worse than any other DRM strategy out there. Don't be a reactionary, I was talking in general terms, you need only look at people buying Assassin's Creed II on PC which has one of the most heavy handed and invasive DRM strategies to date (you must maintain a persistent connection to Ubisoft authentication servers while playing, despite being a single player game) to see evidence of what I'm talking about. Believe me, if I wanted to attack this fairly everyday DRM strategy I would have done so directly, not in a general reference to ignorant consumer buying habits.

And as for Steve Jobs being a sanctimonious prick.

At no point were the following things mentioned in the question to Jobs.

1. Pornography.
2. Children.
3. Android.

And yet...

"You know, there’s a porn store for Android. Anyone can download them. You can, your kids can. That’s just not a place we want to go."

All three, right there. Nobody asked, but he felt he just had to nonsensically shoehorn that hot-button issue in there. That doesn't speak to me as being anything but any combination of incredibly stupid, alarmist, or a pious dickhole. Yeah he cares so much about keeping porn away from kids that every new Mac comes out of the box ready to look up porn with a quick google search. Sorry, not buying it.
The thread title is not a direct quote, I was paraphrasing there.

Well of course any company is entitled to do what they want with their products, I just find it utterly ridiculous the way they're trying to control the content users should see. It's just outright stupid and I can't stand all that Apple-bragging (just watch a Keynote to see what I mean).

Btw, I do own some Apple products and they're all quality, no objection there ;)
And about Windows, they're looking stupid often enough, it's not as fun as laughing about Apple :D
Don't take it so serious man... I know you would defend their company any minute ;)