appleXcore . . .do you know how to check your PM?

they were all in love with dying they were drinking from a fountain
that was pouring like an avalanche coming down the mountain...
i don't mind the sun sometimes
the images it shows
i can taste you on my lips and smell you in my clothes
cinnamon and sugary and softly spoken lies
you never know just how you look
through other peoples' eyes.
Black Winter Day said:
dammit, i wish my intro had involved porn instead of tom warrior...
Yes but at least we established Dreamlord's preference for wrist watches.


Opeth17 said:
My welcome to the forum was JayKeeley telling me that his cats breath smells of cat food. You guys are getting generous. :lol:
What's weird is that I don't even own a cat. But I do watch lots of Simpsons. :loco:

Black Winter Day said:
they were all in love with dying they were drinking from a fountain
that was pouring like an avalanche coming down the mountain...
i don't mind the sun sometimes
the images it shows
i can taste you on my lips and smell you in my clothes
cinnamon and sugary and softly spoken lies
you never know just how you look
through other peoples' eyes.
Let's see if I can remember where this comes from before I google it... I KNOW this dammit... Meat Puppets?

EDIT: Gah, Butthole Surfers. Close enough. :loco:
In seventh grade, I had one of those Casio's that you could put addresses and appointments in. I passed my presidents of the USA test by typing their names into the watch. I'm a genius.
I had one of those notebooks with the transparent covers in different colours. I would just put my notes on the top of the notebook, close the cover, set it below my desk and voila(sp?). The teacher never suspected a thing.

If I was a genius, I probably would have studied. But I figure if I would have studied, I would have learned the material thus passing the test anyway. So in reality, it wasn't cheating because I would have passed regardless had I studied.

I love teen logic.
In my third quarter of calculus in college I chated putting all the froumluras in some Seiko graphiing calcuclotar........ profersoeor allowed them so I guess that wansn't quite chaettinl.............(yes it was). Im[' drunmk. Sorry.